The pop up bird


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The gobblers around my parts where still acting henned up, so I set up a few of my game cameras around on my place to see if I could get any pattern from them. One of the cameras the turkeys where coming by it on a regular basis, in the mornings leaving a roost and going back in the afternoons, so I set up a popup blind in hopes of catching one of the gobblers. The last couple of weekends I sat in the blind and would call about every 15 minutes or so and never could get the gobblers to come my way and all I seen was hens walking right by within shotgun range.

Saturday afternoon my luck changed and during one of my attempts at calling, all of a sudden I heard a gobble and it was close and to the right of me. I had the windows on the right side closed because from the game camera they had been coming from the left during the afternoons, but I did have a little spot peeled down on one of the right windows just so I could peek out that direction. The bird was coming my way and I still could not see him thru my little peek hole, but finally I seen him and he was strutting around, so I let him get his fan between me and him and then peeled one of the right windows down and got the shotgun out and ready for action. I watched him put on a show for a minute or so and then let the shotgun do its part. I ended up with a 20 pound boy that had a 10 ½ inch beard and both spurs ¾ inch.


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