How's the Turkey season going?


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Hey guys, just wanted to check in a see how the thunder chicken hunting has been going. So far the Bone Collector and Roadtrips crew have done ok. Got some pretty good footage for the shows. Overall, we have run into some aggravating slick turkeys. I even left the camera home a few hunts and went to roll a couple of them jokers up. Anyway, wanted to check the pulse on what yall have encountered?

Never make excuses for being a hunter!

Michael Waddell

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Nice to see you drop back in Michael. Too bad the nwtf convention was so crazy this year, would have been great to have gotten to talk with you.

Season here has been kind of lousy so far. Weather has not helped, either washouts or high winds just about every weekend. Have gotten close though and have had fun. Highlight of the season was having a bunch of hens fly up and roost above my oldest daughter and I during our youth hunt. Seems like the gobblers are waiting for their hens to come to them(visual) in the mornings before flying down, once they lock on they head off our property. Have gotten some hens to come in to my calling mid morning, but no gobblers in tow. Maybe a matter of time and that will pay off, but not much season left here.

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Good to hear from ya Michael:D

Turkey season hasnt started for me yet but word from home is the numbers of turkeys is way down. Guess the harsh winters and wet springs have finally taken there toll, not to mention all the yotes.

Hope you guys keep knockin'em down;)

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welcome back man... this wa sone of my best seasons to date. During pre season scouting, I didnt see much to look foward to. But opening morning the woods were rumbling! I was lucky to bag 3 birds in 4 days of hunting so my season ended quickly here. Its not over though since im doing plenty calling for friends. Its nice to set back and call while enjoying the show in front of you.

Come on down to Va and give me a ring.. ill get you on a decent bird LOL

But all 3 birds ranged from 19pounds up to 23. 10.5 average beard overall and the biggest spurs were 1 3/8ths. Not bad birds for a quick season here.

one photo to remind some of you with badluck what turkeys look like(HAHAHAH kidding)

btw, looking forward to the upcoming shows this year!!!!


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Hey Michael! Season is goin pretty good here. I killed a really nice bird on April 18th. Called him and a hen in across a field and shot him at about 35 yards. He strutted all the way across the field and gobbled in my face at 10 yards. My buddy is also havin awesome luck. He's called in a bird for a friend, for himself, and monstrous bird for his girlfriend that 1.5" hooks!!:eek: I have one more tag here in IL and i'll be trying to get my dad his first longbeard because he has the same season and county. Hopefully things will work out!! Good luck on smackin some thunder chickens!

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I sure can't complain. Filled my 3 bird MS bag limit again by the end of the 3rd week of the season. Two of those were real exciting. The other gobbler was a little bit on the quiet side but I didn't get on him till mid morning. Missed another bird...twice. :rolleyes: Called in another bird for a friend of mine and he missed. Matter of fact he got so excited he shucked the other shells out of the semi-auto after the 1st shot. :D Had one old bird make a fool out of me 3 times to remind me I'm still just and old struggling veteran turkey hunter. ;)

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I sure can't complain. Filled my 3 bird MS bag limit again by the end of the 3rd week of the season. Two of those were real exciting. The other gobbler was a little bit on the quiet side but I didn't get on him till mid morning. Missed another bird...twice. :rolleyes: Called in another bird for a friend of mine and he missed. Matter of fact he got so excited he shucked the other shells out of the semi-auto after the 1st shot. :D Had one old bird make a fool out of me 3 times to remind me I'm still just and old struggling veteran turkey hunter. ;)

Al ,, my friend I think you're more than a old veteran. I would say you are a MASTER of the Turkey woods .. I still want to chase some gobbles with you one day .. :);)

Our season starts this Friday morning, but I won't be able to hit the Turkey woods until Sunday ... :(

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I have hunted almost two weeks streight and seen 2 turkeys,a hen and a jake that I missed.I am so sick of turkeys,I took yesterday off and went trout fishing,I cought my limit of 8 of them.Going back to work tomarrow night to get some relaxation,I will give turkeys a try tuesday,wensday and thursday.

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Hey Michael! :D Glad to have you stop in for a spell! ;) Well so far the score is something along the lines of 10-1 turkeys (I shot a hermaphrodite Merriams in WY while hunting with Jim Zumbo and Pete Brownell) and 9-0 here in SD. :mad: But that's just turkey hunting! :rolleyes::D I've been hunting hard trying to fill a tag that has taken me four years to draw and I'm going to have to eat it; I was going to go out today after class, but this morning my suburban (yes the one you signed a couple of years ago here in Sioux Falls) broke down on the interstate and had to be towed. Needless to say I won't be going out hunting and the season closes at sundown tonight. I've just been getting my butt kicked by both Easterns and Merriams here in SD, they quit gobbling by 7am, won't respond to calls like they should, run from hen decoys and, to top it off, I can't seem to consistantly pattern them at all. Oh well, I can still hunt that spot with the Mathews through May 17th with my statewide archery tag. If I'm lucky, I may yet be able to go out and fill my SD Black Hills tag but I doubt that will happen due to my broken down vehicle, work and finals coming up.

Dakota :)

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Had my share of adventure, Michael. Had a good hunt down in South Carolina although the longbeards gave us the slip. Messed up on a butterball here in NJ. Have the last two weeks of the season to try again. Should have been paying more attention to those boys down there at the NWTF in Nashville...

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Started out really well, got a hot gobbler pretty much right off the roost, called him in as he hammered back the whole way, and never broke strut. Unleashed the Supernova at 30 yards because I had to get to work, or I'd have had him at 10 yards at the decoys. Spittin' and drummin' like he was gonna start a band.

A buddy from Missouri and another friend went with me this morning, one with a video camera, and another with a Remington 870. I went with plans to stick one with my new bow. They were acting weird...not ONE gobble on the roost, and only one mid-morning. They weren't getting out, grouping together at all, or strutting really. No response to calling whatsoever, and were acting all skittish. I think I'm gonna try to get a different spot for a bow bird and give that place a rest.

Good hearin' from ya Michael! Thanks for droppin' in!

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Hi Michael!:cool: Thanks for stopping by. My season officially opens tomorrow but I start hunting on Saturday. Wish me luck, I hope to bag one with my bow!

Yea same here. Must be nice to whack and stack all these turkeys so soon, getting us NYers freaking out, because we can't get out yet. My turkey stuff had been set out and ready for about a month.

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Still have about 2 weeks for the season to start in the area I will be hunting here in Michigan. I know a few people who have been out around here already and have taken some nice birds. I'll be heading up for about 4-5 days with a friend of mine. He works for the DNR up there as a forester and can scout while he is out working :D. He has a few spots picked out and has been seeing a few birds around.

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Dang ol Turkeys! Well one thing holds true. Them thunder chickens keep us guessing. I really believe if you can fill your tags on spring longbeards you can kill anything in the world. Congrats to all who have done so. Im trying this weekend to get my 8 yr old boy Mason one here in GA. BTY- Thanks for all the support on Bone Collector, the show has been doing great!

Take care and good luck.

Michael Waddell

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