tough desisions


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I don't know if I should risk it. I have had a great season this year. I was able to call one in for a friend opening day of second season, and then got myself one later that day. Then last saturday I was able to get parkergirl her first bird which was enormous. I have a tag to hunt the same property that she got her bird on and there are tons of turkeys on it. The problem is that that is the weekend before finals for Western. I've been busting my tail feathers on the 3 ten page papers that I have due for my various classes including 2 research projects. I just don't know if I should hunt saturday again or be a good little student and hit the books all weekend or what. Has anyone else been in this tight of a spot before? Thanks for listening


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I told you that I would have a contest to see who could call in the biggest bird for someone else. This being that you would call for you dad during 5th season and I would call for Nell during 3rd. Do you still want to make a bet lol. If I do make a bet it has to be with bows because that is what I'm going to use since I already have a bird on the ground.

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I told you that I would have a contest to see who could call in the biggest bird for someone else. This being that you would call for you dad during 5th season and I would call for Nell during 3rd. Do you still want to make a bet lol. If I do make a bet it has to be with bows because that is what I'm going to use since I already have a bird on the ground.

Haha, I don't have much of a chance of beating Nell's bird at all!! Although, Dad told me of a place where someone has been sein a HUGE bird and we have permission to hunt the property. I'll have to think about it..... lol

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