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It's going to be Turkeymisser instead of Turkeygirl:rolleyes::(:(

Got up, went out, decided to set up below the ridge...bird started gobbling his head off well before light....5:30ish comes, still gobbling, then some hens start...I mimic then and get them all fired up:D Probably around 6ish I hear them all pitch down onto the TOP of the ridge. Well I keep on doing some clucks and yelpsand what not and after a little bit here comes the birds down the ridge towards me...hen...another more hen....a jake...then there he is, king of the woods, all puffed out in his glory. Well I passed on the jake, who was I'm thinking now around 30 yards. This is where I, MYSELF messed up royally, it's all on me. Had to rotate to the right therefore couldn't steady my gun, I rushed, the bird was still puffed up, therem ay have been a couple branches in the way but he was a bit farther than I thought...I shoot, he jumps up in the area, turns and runs way out in front of me and to my left and disappears...I think he looped around behind me maybe and got with his hens again....I checked around close by just in case, but no feathers or anything. I patterned my gun like Monday so I don't think my Red Dot is off:rolleyes: Just alot of factors and a huge bad choice I made. So lessons I learned? #1 - set up on top next time...they still came to me but I may have gotten them in closer being up top. #2 - Be patient, if I can't get a good shot, don't take it.

The good news I guess is: No one else apparently is hunting up there besides me, so he shouldn't have any additional pressure.

I missed a big one 2 years ago on the top of this same ridge.:(

So for those who have missed birds, what's this guy going to do? Have I ruined it for myself or do you think he'll re-group and be back around on this ridge again?

I probably won't get to hunt again till Friday, so plenty of time for him to settle, though I don't know if I should go see if he roosts again tonight or not?

What a punch in the gut...stupid self...stupid choice.

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Patience is key..if he was working towards you, let him come..the other birds were not he would have come too. let it settle for a couple days then go, check out where they roost during mid-day, and see if you can locate a better open area up towards the top., listen for them to roost about Wed. eve. dont get in too close..owl hoot and see where they are..Thurs eve..roost em, then fri. stay closer to the top and set up and see what happens..good luck

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It's pretty hard to let a turkey walk, when it's in range but the situation just not comfortable. I got to hunt Saturday and chose to not shoot a monster gobbler. I was stewing about it all morning, wondering if I did the right thing. Forunately, I took a decent bird later in the morning.

I'm wishing you luck. You've put in lots of work, so I'm hoping things pay off this season.

- Dan

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he'll be spooked but he'll be back in a few second bird was with my first bird when I shot him, i thought I had missed him,had to shoot my first bird again....he was there when i shot twice...scared him, he flew away...point is, after being shot at ,he was still coming in back, but he was much smarter...this time he came in silent, circled around me, then came in.....

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