2009 Ohio Strutter


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I got up at 3:30 Saturday morning to make the hour drive to my favorite turkey hunting woods. I had to get in there early as I didn’t want to spook the birds off the roost… I knew I’d be close as they roost in the area every year. I was set up with a little after 5:15 and waited for day break.

As day break approached I could see a couple birds roosted about 70 yards away… shortly after 6am one of them started gobbling. It wasn’t long after the others in the area joined in. I remained silent until I knew at least one gobbler was on the ground… once they flew down just down off the ridge just out of sight I let off a couple soft puts and one cam strutting up the hill. As my focus was on the strutting tom, a jake came in from my left about 30 yards away. Another tom and chased the jake away. I could have shot that tom but wanted the the strutter… he was still about 50 yards out. After 10 minutes or so of waiting, he finally strutted his way closer and I let him have it. I ran to my bird and the others flew across the river bottom…

Measurements are: 21.5 pounds… 9.25” beard… 1” spurs

I had to take a picture using my trail cam camera... didn't realize the cord hanging down in the upper left until I loaded the pic onto the computer...


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