My walk in the woods PART 2


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Nice clump of bear hair to kick off a nice spring walk in the woods ..LOL :rolleyes:


And lots of bear crap too :rolleyes:


The fresh tracks didn't exactly make me feel comfortable..LOL :rolleyes:



The stream sure was nice :)


Ran across a few bear dens too. I was kind of nervous approaching the first one, because last year, there was a bear in it, looking out at me. I was only nervous at the other ones, because I stumbled on them, and never knew they were there. :eek::)





I was a bit un-nerved when I came across this one, partly because I didn't notice it until I was almost on top of it, and partly because I couldn't see into the entrance. I took my picture quick, and got out of there.



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Great pictures!

I don't know what your big worry was because I am sure you had your trusty knife with you!

Cool pics Steve......What do you carry with you for protection?

I usually do carry my knife with me, along with my bear spray, but I had nothing with me that day.

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good pics, steve. hard to believe you walk around unarmed... bears are extra hungry in the spring, you know. the paw prints in the sand look like griz. are they? it could be one of those 8' blacks, of course.

No Gris on the island Steve, except for a few up, North Island that swim across every now and then.

I ussually carry my bear spray with me, but forgot it that day. I wasn't going to let that ruin my walk in the woods. :D Those paw prints were pretty dang big alright.:):cool: There are plenty of big ones around that area. I hunt right across the road from there. That's the property I always refer to when I say, I spend more time dodging the bears, than I do hunting deer. :D

Oh, I've had my fair share of close calls alright, and I respect them, very much. I have a healthy fear of them, but I'm not petrified . :D:D

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