Flopped one!!!


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Well I finally made it out this morning after getting off to a slow season start. Low on funds for my tags(lost the jobby), had to borrow a shotgun from a friend, and with momma ready to pop any day now having doctors appointments 3 times a week... well I didn't expect much, if any time at all to hunt this spring to make it all worth the effort.

I got out the door this morning around 5:15. Sky was allready getting light and the song birds were starting to say good morning out my window. With the wife being so far along with the pregnancy I decided to keep it close to home so I headed to my mother in laws 1 mile up the road.

Been watching and listening to the birds there all shed season so I was hoping some of them would still be holding to the area. I settled in under a maple at the woods edge just below the highest spot in the field, arranged my calls, loaded the gun and let out my 1'st series of yelps and clucks and waited....


Gave it 10 or so minutes to just listen for anything before I reached for my rosewood striker, next up to hit the aluminum pot. Before I could get to it, on the opposite side of the field about 150 yds away a bunch of hens fired up with some aggressive cutting. I grabbed that striker and cut loose on them. They hammered back with the same only followed by double and tripple GOBBLES!

I cutt them hard two more times mixing between the rosewood and carbon sticks.... they all loved it and were commiting, easilly cutting the distance in half. Wasn't long and the first hens appeared, intently making their way towards the top of the fields crest. Next up the red, white and blue parascopes appeared peaking the way them hens were headed but broke into strut 30 yds behind them.

I watched the hens feed at 25 yds before the boys decided they had to go get them some of that and four of them raced full strut to my living breathing decoys. I had to make one final shift to my left to get on them.

Mission accomplished!

Only problem was they were strutting so tight together there was no shot op. I asked myself in my head "why now... why me, I don't have time for this" lol.

Like one of them heard my telepathic voodoo, he broke strut for a second from the rest and headed my way on a string. Another gobbler sounded off to my right headed in and this guy blew up again. When he hit 35 yds I couldn't resist and dropped the hammer. **** I only wanted to eat the thing anyhow.


Set down the gun and gave a BIG thank you to the turkey gods for making this happen before I retrieved my bird as I watched him flop.... then finally calm.....

so I make my way to him and see he's still very much alive! He must have seen the same so he decided to run for it and flap with all his might to escape. I tryed to stomp him, but he was to quick..... I lunged at him and ended up with a handfull of tailfeathers, lol!(hence the half fan)

I had to look like a complete idiot to anything watching me.

Wouldn't you believe it.., he stops at a the only stick laying in the field when I finally catch up to him.


4 3/4" scruff- 3/4" spurrs.

Sorry for the long story, just didn't want to let this one escape me one bit. I'll never forget this hunt! Anyone that can tell me to my face that jakes can not be worthy, memmorable competition needs to be slapped in theirs, or re-introduced to their hunting roots! Ultimately, I hope you all are capable of making your own truely successfull in your own eyes no matter what the tape measure reads!



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Wooleybear you are hardcore partner!

I've heard of some guys holding dying turkeys by the feet as the flop out, but I've never heard of anyone plucking them!:D

Congratulations on a well earned bird and good luck with the new addition.

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Thanks all for the comments, and well wishes with the little guy.

I'd just like to say congrats to all who have had success and good luck to those still seaking it.. Time is precious no matter how you look at it, I wish I had it to extend to you all personally.

Make the most of it every chance you get!

Be safe out there and have fun!:)

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