good deer hunting spot


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Can't go wrong with the Midwest...Iowa, Wisconsin, Kansas, etc. or Texas, but stay away from Illinois because we don't have any more big ones. laugh.gif And nothing against any person at all, but I don't like having out of state people come hunt the deer here. Maybe that's harsh, but that's my opinion.

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Re: good deer hunting spot


Can't go wrong with the Midwest...Iowa, Wisconsin, Kansas, etc. or Texas, but stay away from Illinois because we don't have any more big ones. laugh.gif And nothing against any person at all, but I don't like having out of state people come hunt the deer here. Maybe that's harsh, but that's my opinion.

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No not harsh at all, just very ignorant and selfish. Grow up, man!

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Re: good deer hunting spot

People like you all make me sick. I live in southeast missouri and i have hunted in Illinois my whole life along with my dad and brother. What is the big deal about non residents hunting?? We pay money for our tags just like you guys do, **** we pay more. Its not like the non resident hunters are hurting the deer population or anything... there are soooo many deer in illinois. i just don't get why people throw such a fit about non resident hunters. Non residents have the same right to hunt that state as the residents do. and to answer you question i WOULD hunt illinois. Great place to hunt with an abundance of deer, awesome habitat, Illinois is the real deal.

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Re: good deer hunting spot

one of the top places to hunt big deer is illinois andthen there is kansas and texas and oklahoma in the nw area has some big bucks as does the east side fo oklahoma in thr last 4 years the state records in big deer have been beaten or in the same size area and i saw one saturday that was just short of 184 inches and field dressed at 150. if you want to hammer a big buck then illinois kansas and some of the montana and wyoming range as well as iowa.

rob k

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Re: good deer hunting spot

i just read what mach 1 said and i had to laugh about that one lol. i guess we are taking away all the good deer us folks in different states huh lol. man i was amazed to see that and i am appalled at the way that was stated.

your welcome to come down to oklahoma or texas or kansas or any other state and buy your out of state and hunt your butt off. but telling people to stay away just shows where the true sportsmen are and it ashamed you have to act that way. pretty childish and unsportsman like if ever there was a way to put it mildly. what a joke

rob k

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Re: good deer hunting spot

you should try bowhunting in Westchester County in New York. You'd be amazed at the bucks that are available there!! You'd also be amazed at some of the deer available here on Long Island. The average body size of the Long Island bucks may not be what you'd find in other areas of the country, but the size of the racks can truly be awesome if you put your time in.

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Re: good deer hunting spot

Like stated...Ill., Kanas, Iowa, etc.. are all good places. Another good state is Ohio...I'm only a few hours from the state line and never hunted in Ohio. Some day that will change. If money wasn't an issue and I truely wanted to go somewhere for my "best" chance of harvesting a good buck...I'd head northwest to Canada. Sask. or Alberta to be exact. wink.gif

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Re: good deer hunting spot


but stay away from Illinois because we don't have any more big ones. And nothing against any person at all, but I don't like having out of state people come hunt the deer here. Maybe that's harsh, but that's my opinion.

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BTW, if you decide to hunt in Ill....don't worry they aren't all as ignorant as this post. I've hunted in Ill. and met some great folks.

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Re: good deer hunting spot


From previous posts, I'm assuming you are just getting started in this sport. I would encourage you to find some decent spots locally and get some good experience. You don't want to pay a lot for travel, lodging, guides and all just to go and miss on your buck of a lifetime cuz of a lack of field time. Listen to your fellow NYorker longislandhunter. Put your time in and you can get a great buck in your homestate. Then I would set my sites on a trip out west. Also gives you a little time to set up and do some research on which outfitter you want to use. Antlers look pretty on the wall but a doe eats just as good as any buck I've shot grin.gif Good luck!

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Re: good deer hunting spot

comppro since you already live in Illinois you ought to look for some places there to hunt for some big ones. Illinois has some great big buck areas. I killed one up there bowhunting about 4 or 5 years ago. It wouldn't cost you nearly as much and you may find a place where you can put in a lot more days deer hunting at a much lower price than going out of state and hunting for 4 to 6 days. Anytime you go on a limited number of days hunting trip out of state you have the risk that bad weather can hurt daytime deer movement.

If you choose to go out of state I'd suggest Iowa, Kansas, and Texas in that order. Getting a license in Texas is just an over the counter thing but you'll have to apply and draw a tag in Kansas and Iowa. It may take a year or 2 to draw a tag. I haven't been to Ohio, Michigan, Montana, or Missouri yet but I understand they all have some great hunting too.

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Re: good deer hunting spot


when I said I am from Illinios I ment I lived there until I was 20 I have lived in Ny for 2 years, I am 22. I never hunted in Illinios, But I talked to my cuz and he said anytime I wanna come down he will take me, He is the coolest guy.

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Id take your cuz up on that offer.Youll have a gauranteed spot to hunt in a great trophy state, and sounds like a free guide to boot.Plus time spent with families always{most of the time} nice grin.gif

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Re: good deer hunting spot

I should have put more in my post that I meant to say. I didn't mean to get a bunch of ruckus started on here. In the area where I hunt the out of state people that come hunt are very disrespectful to the locals and the land. These type of people aren't the real hunters like I think most are on here. I know that all out of staters aren't disrespectful like this. From people I talk to in my hunting area, many of them feel the same way because of the reason I stated. As long as folks are respectful to everyone else who is hunting, then I don't have a problem with them. I should have put all that info in my original post, but I didn't and I apologize to anyone who was offended.

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