I'm a grandpa...........


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Yep, thanks to my 16yr old son:mad::o:(..... Madisson Ellen was born on 3 May 2009. Only pics I have are on my cell phone. I'll be going to Florida in a couple of weeks, as she was due the 19th. The real ironic thing about this, is she was born the same day that my grandmother passed away........

And come Oct, I will be a grandpa x2, my daughter is ALSO pregnant, guess she didn't like Brandon and Katie getting all the attention, She to is having a girl. Anyone got a place I can go hide out for awhile??

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I have you over, but I have 3 women in the house and there isn't alot of rest there. LOL

Congrats Grandpa, when you get you hands on that little one it won't matter the case of how she came to be, you'll just be thanking God that she did come to be. I promise.

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You ever get that feeling something is coming back to bite ya right square in the hiney Jason ?? ... :eek::eek:

I'd say congrats ,, but I'm sure this isn't the best news you've had .. :o:o Best of luck my friend .. ;)

I have a great hide out here in VT for ya .. :D;)

Oh yeah, two times over.... Amber was born before I was 19, but I also enlisted in the Army as a means to provide for my family, my son, well, let's just say dad is gonna whoop him good in a couple of weeks, I have a feeling. And no, this wasn't the worse news I got this week....

Congrats Mr. Jones:D. I'am guessing everything went ok?

Yeah, she was born by C Section Sun afternoon..... They were supposed to come home Tue or yesterday, can't remeber which day....

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Hey bud, Life happens. 16 years old or not, those grandkids are gonna mean alot to you some day! Congrats buddy!

Yep here in a few years he will need them to carry his bow and arrows around the 3d course while he pushes his walker...........:D

Seriously congrats bud...............Gotta love kids.

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