First year turkey season is over for me!


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I dropped my step-daughter off at school and got back to go hunting at 8:00. First place was no good,I spent about 1 1/2 hours there:(.Left there and set up at the farm that I shot a tom at last week:). Called on the box call and didn't hear anything.A little later I called again, and a few min. later saw 3 hens on the other side of the creek.It was getting close to quite time {12:00 in Ohio} and I saw a tom come in from my right side strait for my jake decoy:eek:.He got about 5 yards from the decoy stopped and turned the other way.The 870 remington with winchester 3 1/2 #5 flopped him at 32 yards at 11:35 a.m.:D21.6 lbs.,11 inch beard, 3/4 inch spirs. My first season turkey hunting and I tagged out with 2 toms.1st tom was 19.6 lbs.,9 1/2 inch beard, 3/4 inch spirs.Now I got to help my brother and nephew get their birds.:rolleyes:







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