what kind of gun slug combo do you use

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welli have to sight my gun back in for next season i bumed my scope and well i have to see if it is on i have shot deer at 150 yards with this comb i have and killed them every time well what kind of slugs do you all recommened i mean cheap ones or the more expencvie ones well let me know

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I shoot a 870, hastings rifled barrel, old tasco scope, and Remington copper solid sabot slugs. I got the barrel and scope as a Christmas present in like 1986. The zero of this scope has never changed so I've never replaced it. All my other optics are Nikon. You need to try different loads to see what your gun will shoot. Don't let price be an issue as what loads you try. I guess what I'm saying is, let your gun be the deciding factor as to what you shoot, not price or what someone else shoots.

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