Well, we made it!


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We're in Chattanooga and I'm sitting here in the hospital and will do my best to keep y'all updated. Grandpa doesn't look good, he's looking old and frail and not what he used to. The facilities here are primitive at best, maybe considered hitech 40 years ago. His room is bare with a bed in the middle, a TV hanging from the wall and 3 extremely uncomfortable chairs***types while squirming in one of said chairs***:D. Parking was terrible (we parked with the pidgeons), but it was easy to get to where we needed to be. Like Will said, surgery has been postponed till tomorrow due to his blood being not as thick as the doctors would like. They seem to think it'll be around 9am tomorrow morning and could take anywhere from 9-12 hours. :eek: It is a very risky surgery but it is even more risky without it. We got to the hospital around 9:45 last night and saw him for a few minutes. There is no good way in to the hospital, all ways go through a very dangerous and spooky part of town...especially when you're driving in unfamiliar places after dark! :eek::D The place if overgrown with weeds and buildings are in a bad state. It is really appaling and saddening to see the state of things here. :( If y'all could just continue to keep us in your prayers that would be great! Thanks and I'll do my best to keep everyone informed!

Dakota :)

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Guest TennesseeTurkey

I know lightning can strike anywhere Dakota but Chatt is a very clean and nice town..... You shouldnt be too worried about that....

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I know lightning can strike anywhere Dakota but Chatt is a very clean and nice town..... You shouldnt be too worried about that....

Not where we are, Will. You take exit 180 Rossville Blvd to Central Ave and you will be whistling a different toon. And another thing that both you and I have to remember is that I've lived in the north all my life, but you know it's bad when my mom, who was born and raised in the south, is scared! :D And I'm not saying the whole city is like that, which it's not, it's just that this part of town is a little scary.

Dakota :)

Edited by Dakota
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Thanks for the prayers, all! :) We're back at the hotel now after eating at Steak and Shake, my new favorite restaurant! :D Surgery has been moved up from 9am to 8am tomorrow. We'll be at the hospital by about 6am and they'll wheel him down around 7am to get him ready. The doctor said it would be about 2-3 hours and maybe more, but we know there is something they're not telling us, at least in front of Grandpa. He's never had surgery before and is under the illusion he'll be right as rain and be able to drive after the surgery (Catrina, I immediately thought of the post you made on getting older in the women's room :D). This is a very risky surgery and there is no point in getting Grandpa worried with the worse case senarios and what-ifs. If you would continue to keep all of us in your prayers that would be great! :( Thanks!

Dakota :)

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Well, we're sitting here in the hospital with my aunt, uncle and cousin. Grandpa wasn't too pleased when they wheeled him down at 6am instead of 7 like they said they would yesterday. Neither we nor my aunt, uncle and cousin were here when they wheeled him down and my aunt is his POA. Surgery is in process and we're just sitting here talking and what not. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, everyone! This surgery is extremely risky and grandpa is under the illusion that he'll be home by this weekend and that he'll be able to drive and be a new man when we're just hoping we can get him to walk. :( Just please continue praying for him, best case scenario he still has a looong road ahead of him. :( Thanks!

Dakota :)

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