Bird problem


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Ok a question for ya. For the past three mornings I have had a young robin trying to get into the house by continually flying into our windows. Its hitting the screen and the glass, and does it over and over and over, for hours. What the heck is it trying to do? I have let my dog out to scare it off, and have also yelled at it through the window as it approached the screen, and it just flies off for about 15 minutes and starts again. By mid day though, it stops.

Two questions

1) Why

2) What should I do to get it to stop....

PM's accepted :D

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Ken - any chance the bird can see its reflection in the window in the morning hours? If so, it is trying to attack what it thinks is another bird in its territory. I finally had to put a non reflective shade on my east side windows to stop this. I had Cardinals, Robins, and Mockingbirds doing the same thing. By noon the sun had risen enough that they could no longer see their reflection in the windows and they moved on.

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we had a bird do that a few yrs ago on our bedroom window, i checked around and found out it was cause it saw it reflection in the window and ws trying to fight with the bird in the window ,so I was told to put up a blackout material on the window so it couldn't see it reflection anymore , so we put that up and it worked it left no more tapping on the window when it got light lol

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Back in one of our old appartments we had a blackbird doing the same thing. Couldn't figure it out for the life of us.

Thought maybe it had flew in and started a nest while we were away.

Partially right.

Only when we closed the window would it do this, when it was open he would fly to his nest across from it under the neighbors eve which I'm assuming was reflected back to him causing the confusion. you may do well to take a look around a bit.

I reckon that's where the saying "bird brain" came from.:o

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When i was in 8th grade, we had a drake mallard do that...smashed the heck out of the wired glass during my morning algebra class...scared the crap out of us and killed itself in the process...only took one try too...:eek:

I only see birds do this in the spring time, so i think it has something to do with the mating season...

you could always test out the ole Red Rider...

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No joke...I have the same exact problem. A robin is flying into our sliding glass door off the basement walkout. It's annoying in more ways than one, but my wife has to constantly clean it becaue all you see are muddy robin beak and claw marks on the glass.

I have NO CLUE what this thing wants (besides maybe a concussion) but I want to make this stop...too bad I no longer have the pellet gun I used to have when I was young. Matter of fact, many-o robin fell victim to that gun, maybe this is their idea of payback??:D

Anyway, I'd say a pellet gun is the quickest problem solver...I just need to get one soon.

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