should I or should I not


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I wouldn't sell that bow, but that's just me; I shoot a Mathews Outback so the Switchback is a step up, though I do love that Outback! :D It's your call, bud! ;) Have you thought of a good replacement yet (I'm sure you have :D)? Good luck with whatever you decide! :cool:

Dakota :)

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I went and shot a reezon 6.5 today and was a little more impressed than I thought I would have been.With a few sims products the reezon could be in my near future,need to find an admeral before I make up my mind for sure.I am thinking of selling just because I want something newer,there is nothing wrong with the xt it is as good as new.The draw lenghth is 29" at 70lbs and there is definetly not an alphamax in my future even though they are fine bows.I will be sticking with a single cam unless I decide on the bowtech,I like the binery cam,dont care much for harnesses on hoyts or the new monsters.

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