Prayers for Carlee please


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Carlee fell off the monkey bars at school today, she broke her arm. She apparently has a bad break, they are screwing the bone together, then putting pins in to hold it in place for 4 to 6 weeks. then She has to go into a cast for a couple of weeks. As I'm writing this she is getting her IV to put her to sleep and she will be going into the OR soon. I'd appreciate a few Knee mails for the doctors, and as little pain in recovery as can be expected. I know she'll be fine, but I'm putting in the word to God that I'm looking for the best.

Thanks all, God bless and I'll try to let you know tomorrow how she's doing.


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Carlee came through the surgery great, they put 2 pins in and she should be getting home this morning. Thanks all for the prayers, now if I can get Cadee dressed I'll have this morning licked.

Good to hear some good news, Jeff! :) Thanks for the update! :cool:

Dakota :)

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