Ringworm Attack!


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Most everyone has had a ringworm at some point in life as a kid if you were around animals. Now my wife and both my girls have them bad. Wife's face broke out horrible on one side. One of my girls even has places in her hair. Anyone out there had this before? I blame the cat. We never had a cat till about a year ago, and never had ringworm. Plus i dont like cats, so she makes a convenient scapegoat!

Anyone got a good remedy? Doc's got them on some antifungal cream, but it's not a really fast process of getting rid of them.

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They have actually had problems with them in a few nursing homes around here in the past and the wife has had to deal with it with her staff. Yep, highly contagious. We have never had them with our girls.

No cats here, really don't care for cats. To be honest it disgusts me to go in peoples homes and see cats on the counters near where they cook or around their food(YUCK).:eek:

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.....get some tea tree oil ear candles...and take an oregano oil/walnut leaf enema....

-ringworm is highly contagious....

-you can find the tea tree oil ear candles at any herbal/health store...pm me if you get stumped with the enema recipie....

oregano oil/walnut leaf enema??? i'd rather have the ringworm...:D:D

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.....get some tea tree oil ear candles...and take an oregano oil/walnut leaf enema....

-ringworm is highly contagious....

-you can find the tea tree oil ear candles at any herbal/health store...pm me if you get stumped with the enema recipie....

Man Kathleen, I'm for exit only in that area.


enough said.:):):)

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No cats here, really don't care for cats. To be honest it disgusts me to go in peoples homes and see cats on the counters near where they cook or around their food(YUCK).:eek:

same here.. I hate cats much less any animal in the house. But the wife loves the dang things! She got one for our little girl and all it does it sleep in our bed and get up on the counter and etc.. all I usually do is beat the thing with a shoe so it gets off everything. Im hoping it will wonder outside and meet our black lab oneday when no one is looking:D LOL

Ive been lucky enough never to get the things(being around animals my whole life). Anyone know how to prevent the things? Does showing each day do anything for them to keep them away?

Working on the sheriffs department you meet alot of not to clean people that have them on the backs of their necks.. just the thought of them under my skin is... blah:(

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Only had ring worm once ,, got them from weening calves of the bottle.

Don't think I've heard of anyone getting ring worm from a cat, but I'm sure it's not impossible, but I'd bet money your kid got it from a school playmate .. ;)

Follow the Doctors instructions and everything should be fine .. ;)

And you want to talk about disgusting,, and that's letting that mangy mutt lick your face after it just got done licking itself .. Now there's YUCK ... :rolleyes:

Here's some INFO for ya to read ...

Ringworm of the skin is an infection caused by a fungus.

Jock itch is a form of ringworm that causes an itchy rash on the skin of your groin area. It is much more common in men than in women. Most people get it by accidentally spreading the fungus that causes athlete's foot to their own groin area.

What causes ringworm?

Ringworm is not caused by a worm. It is caused by a fungus. The kinds of fungi (plural of fungus) that cause ringworm live and spread on the top layer of the skin and on the hair. They grow best in warm, moist areas, such as locker rooms and swimming pools, and in skin folds.

Ringworm is contagious. It spreads when you have skin-to-skin contact with a person or animal that has it. It can also spread when you share things like towels, clothing, or sports gear.

You can also get ringworm by touching an infected dog or cat, although this form of ringworm is not common.

What are the symptoms?

Ringworm of the skin usually causes a very itchy rash. It often makes a pattern in the shape of a ringcamera.gif, but not always. Sometimes it is just a red, itchy rash.

Jock itch is a rash in the skin folds of the groin. It may also spread to the inner thighs or buttocks.

Ringworm of the hand looks like athlete's foot. The skin on the palm of the hand gets thick, dry, and scaly, while skin between the fingers may be moist and have open sores.

How is ringworm of the skin diagnosed?

If you have a ring-shaped rash, you very likely have ringworm. Your doctor will be able to tell for sure. He or she will probably look at a scraping from the rash under a microscope to check for the ringworm fungus.

How is it treated?

Most ringworm of the skin can be treated at home with creams you can buy without a prescription. Your rash may clear up soon after you start treatment, but it’s important to keep using the cream for as long as the label or your doctor says. This will keep the infection from coming back. If the cream doesn't work, your doctor can prescribe pills that will kill the fungus.

If ringworm is not treated, your skin could blister, and the cracks could become infected with bacteria. If this happens, you will need antibiotics.

If your child is being treated for ringworm, you don't have to keep him or her out of school or day care.

Can you prevent ringworm?

To prevent ringworm of the skin:

  • Keep your skin clean and dry. Change your socks and underwear at least once a day.
  • Wear loose-fitting cotton clothing. Avoid tight underwear, pants, and panty hose.
  • Always dry yourself completely after showers or baths. After drying your skin with a towel, allow your skin to air-dry before putting your clothes on. You can also use a hair dryer, set on a cool setting, to dry your skin.
  • Do not share clothing, sports equipment, towels, or sheets. If you think you have been exposed to ringworm, wash your clothes in hot water with fungus-killing (fungicidal) soap.
  • Wear slippers or sandals in locker rooms, showers, and public bathing areas.
  • Shower and shampoo thoroughly after any sport that requires skin-to-skin contact.
  • If you have athlete's foot, put your socks on before your underwear so that fungi do not spread from your feet to your groin.
  • Take your pet to a veterinarian if it has patches of missing hair, which may be a sign of a fungal infection. Household pets can spread fungi that cause ringworm in people.

To prevent ringworm from returning after treatment, apply talcum or other drying powder to the affected area daily.

Edited by VermontHunter
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.....get some tea tree oil ear candles...and take an oregano oil/walnut leaf enema....

-ringworm is highly contagious....

-you can find the tea tree oil ear candles at any herbal/health store...pm me if you get stumped with the enema recipie....

I just about fell outta my chair when I read that!!!

Good luck with the ringworms ... and the enema.


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Thanks Luke for posting a more "practical" reply, haha!

We're following the doc's advice and Rx, but when your little girls are breaking out all over you want it to go away fast. Then when you talk about getting rid of kitty (who pretty much stays outside) the tears swell up in their eyes. It's just not a good situation, but mostly these things are just a pain in the rear to get through, kinda like chicken pox, but will pass. And hopefully pass without enemas. :eek::p:p:p;):cool::D

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rinf worm is really no big deal here on the farm..but I do know that perscription cream dosent work well..buy the stuff at the pharmacy and the vet tells us that its really all about the zinc..and alot of sunshine... takes sometime but we have never had it in our hair, usually just arms and hands..keep clean and in the sun..i doubt the cat spread it but if its got the hair loss and rash it might be..

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Here's some home remedies:

Get a green walnut from the tree, cut in half and rub the juice on the area. it will discolor the skin some, but it works.

Tinactin athletes foot spray - the liquid to powder works best.. also super great for chigger bites.

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Well, JAG, I can't wait till the walnuts drop! Haha

But, we did find that tinactin works better than the Rx cream the doc gave us, or so is my opinion. It's not that big a deal, but when i found spots on thier heads, and see the pics on the net with bald spots, i was worried for my little girls. Seems to be fading at the moment.

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Wow-I did not realize it was cousins to jock itch. THAT is something I am familiar with after 14 years of football, not to mention wrestling, track, rugby, baseball and running. I have serious scar tissue, but nobody sees it. I dang near died of jock itch in college. (Not really, but I might have prayed for death a time or two.)


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