dont get it


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Been kind of wondering about something. My 8 year old has asked a couple times over the past couple school years about getting a cell phone, because some of her popular friends have them. She gets a few calls a week and makes a few, hardly justifiable reason in her getting a cell. Of course I have told her each time that she has asked I really did not see any need in her having a cell phone and she understands, but seems some parents for whatever reason see it as being necessary for their young kids to have cell phones.

Why does a kid in elementary school really need a cell phone? Is it just to establish a status symbol, or what? I just dont get it.

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Re: dont get it

I cannot see any reason for kids to have a cell phone. Even in high school! All it is is just another toy that they can play games with.

Intead, use that money for their higher education. Once they have a degree, then they can get their own cell phones!

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Re: dont get it

Just incase you fall for the Parent trap(your daughters eyes)...try this:

Get a pre-paid phone and set it on the table....

Then get the money that it would take to activate the phone, the money for all the minutes, and place it next to the phone.

Let her know that the money it takes to get the phone working can be used for that with the stipulation of:

When the moneys gone...the minutes are gone...Then its her responsibility to pay for any minutes after that.

Could turn out to be a real lesson in how to handle money well.

I like OJR's reccomendation about saving the cash for college too!!!

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Re: dont get it

NOT! There is no way. My son got his mobile phone in high school when he started driving. I can't think of any valid reason for kids younger than that to have phones...especially in elementary school.

As a matter of fact, I just heard that Maryland is looking at banning cell phones for vehicles being driving by younger drivers with provisional licenses. Probably a different topic all together but anyway...

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Re: dont get it

Now days, if a child is mature enough to know when to really use one, I don't see why not..However, I got my son one when he was 15 years old and my daughter at 14... They are responsible for the minutes they use and have to pay if it goes over. It was a real good way to start them thinking about responsibilities and it was a bit of a relief knowing if something came up as an emergency, they could get hold of me or my wife.

I guess it all depends on if the child understands about being responsible or not.

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Re: dont get it

LOL i am 18 and i still don't have a cell. i don't really see the need ofr one myself. i wanted one in high school, but didn't need it, so my parents would not let me have one lol. once i get my truck in the summer, i will probably get a cell, just in case something happens, (shouldnt... it'll be a dodge wink.gif )

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Re: dont get it


Then, she better have a JOB, because cell phones and gas don't pay for themselves. LOL

[/ QUOTE ]

LOL. That is funny but so true.

Think driving age would be good reason to have the kids one just in case they ever need it, but the elementary and middle school, kids I just dont see it.

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Re: dont get it

My 8 yr. old son has just started bugging me about that too. We told him no. However, when he starts driving he can have a Southern Linc radio like we have. It just won't be enabled with a cell phone. Kids are using cell phones with text messaging in school to cheat on tests. Sure have came a long way since I graduated!

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Re: dont get it

Ohhh boy, Im sure Im in the 11 year old, who is in football, chess, basketball, christian youth group, and baseball has one....its the verizon plan, its only 10 bucks a month, pre paid with no contract, like a TRAC phone at the local stores is probably better, but his school doesnt allow him to use the office phone if he is running late after practice, and such...he hardly ever carries it, unless he is at an event that he needs to phone home for a ride, just Sunday night he called me when he had the stomach flu at a church youth party at a persons house, he called me from the bathroom, as he was really sick, and kinda embarrassed.....I feel he is responsible enough for it....he will be 12 in August. Call me crazy, but if the school he is at wont let him call home, and they get home from an away game late or early, I prefer him to have a phone to call, then beg a

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Re: dont get it

8 years old!!!! Wow!! I didnt realize kids that young were using them.....that is insane. I'm 22 so everybody that I know and their brother has one.. except for me. I hate them. I have a tracfone that I use only when I have to. I can possibly see the upside of a teenager having one when they get their drivers case of emergencies. But before that I would say heck no.

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Re: dont get it

my grandson just asked me for one last weekend, he's 12 now but i told him no way.... i do have one but i buy munite's for it and only use it in case of emergancy's.....but like norm say's it depend's on how responseable a child or person is when they have or get a cell phone...

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Re: dont get it

My daughter is 11 and wants one. We've been thinking about letting her use an old Tracfone that isn't being used anymore as long as she earns the minutes. She is getting into sports and stuff but so far nothing that she needs to call to get a ride so I think we're going to try to put it off for a while longer.

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