How does your state rate


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Bringing it on!!!!!!!:D:D:D

Members of this forum are always welcome in Texas, we need more of you.

I visited the Great State of Texas in 1996 so I could see the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame (not the ball team). It was one of the nicest places I have ever visited. You don't have any real beer down there but everything else was awesome :D

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No surprise about NY Joe:rolleyes:...Good read.

It is getting worse and worse.

With Washington also leaning in that direction, NY is long lost...

I have my heart set on Texas. I really love that place. The Hill Country has inspired me:). Hopefully within the next 5 years I will have purchased some land or at least get my ducks in order for my 55 retirement..good Lord willing.

Oh, and I am sure most know that Texas can secede from the union if the feels it is in their best interest. I can see it happening if Washington keeps pulling their junk:mad:.

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We rank just about dead i thought i really loved living in illinois...i thought we had it fairly good in terms of personal freedom....feel free to slap me around a few times...

That area in the northeast corner of our state really makes us look bad.

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Illinois is one of the worst states to live in from a personal freedom perspective (#49).

Not a good future for our troubled state. Criminal leaders and a DNR that is ruled by the almighty dollar. Wrote my Congressman about a bill that would require gun owners in IL to have gun insurance. I forget the amount something like a 100,000.00 dollars. his reply was all about how he supported the 2nd ammendment (cool), but nothing about the bill.:mad:

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......I have often called my state "The Peoples Republic of New York" and this article shows that I was right...

“The problem is that the cultural values of liberal governments seem on balance to require more regulation of individual behavior than do the cultural values of conservative governments,”

...and in my wallet is a piece of paper that seems to prove both of you right.

It's a receipt from the baitshop for minnows. Sounds simple enough right...until you turn it over and see the stamp that the sales person had to put there which turned the receipt into a "Permit to Transfer" the minnows to lakes that allowed minnow use(not all do).:eek:

Joe I think your right on...

:rolleyes:Welcome to the Peoples Republic of New York:rolleyes:

Edited by GWSmith
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