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In my quest to continuously keep proving to myself that I am indeed an idiot, I dropped my 4 week old touch screen phone in the river today while setting some trot lines with the kids. I was taking some pics so that i could post them on here, and forgot i put it in my shirt pocket instead of the holster, which made it pretty easy to drop out of my pocket while trying to tie off on a root underwater. I really liked that phone. I'm usually abusive to them, but this was a record.:mad::mad::mad::mad::rolleyes::rolleyes::)

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That stinks man. After going through 3 motorola KRZR's in less than a years time, I finally bought a different phone a little over a year ago. This one is a samsung gleam, kinda weird looking phone and I've never seen someone else with one. It does what I need, makes calls, takes pics, and sends texts, and the best part is, i've dropped it literally hundreds of times and it still works! I seriously drop this phone on pretty much a daily basis and it still hasn't quit working, so I'm just gonna stick with it instead of buying a fancy new phone like I want.lol.

So are you going to buy a new one like the one you dropped, or get a cheaper kind?

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Well, I know i cant have an I-phone, as I just proved to myself with the river incident. But after years with no upgrade, and going through several hand-me-downs i would buy or friends would give me, i finally went ahead and got an LG VU and added internet access and all that good stuff. I was really enjoying it. I had just killed my samsung during turkey season, when i dropped it in some mud. One about a year ago when i think it fell out of my pocket going down the interstate on my motorcycle, etc, etc. I just dont treat them as well as i should.

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After i dropped it, i took out my wallet and jumped in to get it. Was only about 3-4 feet deep there, but kids were freaking out when i was going under, so i gave up. It's 4:20 now, but afterwhile when i go to check the hooks, I'll bring the crawfish scoop and try again. Maybe i'll save my sim card with all the stuff on it. Who knows.....if muff can run a phone through the washing machine, maybe it will work, haha.

I got my wifes cell and called my # last night, hoping that perhaps it had fallen somewhere in the boat. As i stand there like an idiot listening waiting for a dial tone, my daughter said "maybe a fish will answer daddy" and just smiled at me. I just smiled back and said "maybe i can tell him to try some of them crawfish i hung on that string there" :D

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In my quest to continuously keep proving to myself that I am indeed an idiot...

The quest doesnt end Redneck...and heck, with 985 posts, your on your way to eventually being an idiotic moran!:D

Funny story all the way around...My assistant dropped her bran new phone in a good sized puddle the other day...Why do all new phones have such an affinity for water??? Anyhow, she put it in a bowl of rice for 2 days, and it works fine now...I thought she was an idiot for even trying that method, but it proved to work...so if you do happen to dig that sucker out of the river, throw it in some rice and see what happens...:confused:

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Dan, I like the way you think. But bump it up to a 12 pack, cuz i may be there a while.

Steve I never found the phone after several attempts. I picked up another on ebay for about $200. Add that to the cost of the trip and it comes out to about $20 a pound for catfish.

But i get all that satisfaction knowing i caught it myself, right? Right? Right?

Come on, give me a pat on the back!


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