Scent LoK & Lee Lakowsky


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Sad we live in a world where there are so many frivilous lawsuits. While I do own some scent lok clothing it really has no impact on my hunting or my life if they get sued. I cannot see how it could possibly have hurt anyone's hunting unless they did not take normal scent care precautions, why sue over that.

Bet your buddy TR Michaels knows more about this topic.

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Sad we live in a world where there are so many frivilous lawsuits. While I do own some scent lok clothing it really has no impact on my hunting or my life if they get sued. I cannot see how it could possibly have hurt anyone's hunting unless they did not take normal scent care precautions, why sue over that.

Bet your buddy TR Michaels knows more about this topic.

I agree.

If you dont think it works then dont buy it.

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The problem is that a ton of hunters believed their advertisment and then later on found out it did not work. That is like Ford telling everyone their trucks get 50mpg and then after you buy it; you only get 12mpg. Would you not be mad?

Well, I use it and I believe it works. There are always gonna be people that are skeptical of everything. I think this is just a frivelous (sp) lawsuit.

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What I'm saying is it works for ME. If its that big of a problem for you, sue away. Are you going after Tinks next?

If it gives you a mental edge; then use it. I don't plan to sue or be a part of any lawsuit. I never bought into the gimick. I just find it sad that someone found something to sucker hunters into paying a ton of money in a product that does not work as claimed.

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It looks like some lawyers are looking to help other people out who feel they got ripped off by Scent Lok.[/font]

Looks like more cases:



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Hunters, fishermen, and all kinds of outdoor enthusiasts have become such a taken-for-granted target of false advertisement schemes that now we are starting to accept the fact that products do not have to perform as warranted. Do we enjoy being lied to so much that we are now cheering on the manufacturers who prey on us with their lies and deceit.

I personally am grateful that someone has taken on the effort of trying to make these characters liable for intentional deceptions and if they prove their case, I will cheer the outcome. I have nothing but contempt for businesses that take my hard earned cash under false and fraudulent claims and deceptive advertising techniques. If they are guilty, they deserve whatever financial punishment that they get.

Of course I reserve all of my appreciation for this action until such time as their case is proven. I have never bought any of this stuff because of the exhorbitant cost, so I have no opinion on whether the stuff actually works or not. That issue will be for the plaintiffs to prove.


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Great post Doc.

I found this posted by “Scentguy” on another website.

“This is from the original filing in the There are over 200 documents filed in that case. Depositions etc. All the documents are not available because some are sealed. (All available on

Arguements for certification were held May 5,2009. Decision to be announced shortly.

There have beeb additional suits filed in Ill., Wisconsin , Flordia , Maryland , Indiana , and Washington . In each of these their are speficific charges against the defendants.

Cabela's , Gander Mountain , Bass Pro , Browning , and Robinson Outdoors along with Scentlok are named defendants so this is a much larger suit then has been discussed and will be very far reaching in its effect on the hunting community.

The scope of the suits has widen to include TV advertising and shows , magazine advertising and promotion , and prostallers statements.

The hunting industry is strangely silent in providing information and most publicationa are afraid to provide up to date information. Scentguy”

Edited by blacktailslayer
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I buy the stuff, but only on sale LOL.. Do I think it helps, yes. Does it totally get rid of scent? Nope.. I never had issues before or after using the stuff. I mainly buy it because everything now has scent lok in it so you relaly dont have much choice. I just like the new style camo patterns and normally the scent lok stuff is light and soft. If it helps then great.. if it doesnt, Im not upset

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Well I've got a scent lok and a scent blocker suit. Got them on sale or as gifts. After seasons of use I honestly don't know if they work (even a little). In the past I was under the belief that they helped "a little". My new approach is to reduce sweat which I believe is more attributable to human smell that deer are afraid of than anyhting else. Moisture wicking away clothes, light breathable material when it is warm, and even changing clothes once I get to the stand is what I do now. No more wasted time activating clothes in the dryer.

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There is one thing for certain, if someone sues every time they are unhappy with a product the only winners will be the lawyers. As for the scent elimination products, there is absolute proof that carbon absorbs odors, but if the claims are that they eliminate all human scent, that would be false. Only a fool would buy into that marketing ploy. The commercial that said, "Forget the wind, just hunt" was indeed false advertising. We are a society where anything that may give us an edge will cause us to open our wallets to find the "easy way". If the basis for this suit is that purchasing scent absorbing clothing did not make them better hunters, based on harvest success, then I am willing to bet that nothing they buy will make them better hunters. More law suits. When a product is over priced and promising the world maybe one should think before buying.

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Yes Scent Lok is innocent until proven guilty. I think this topic get people going and I am one of them. I never have bought any of their products, but hate to see people fall for false advertisement. It may not seem like it, but I care about other hunters and not the million dollar executive of some company that preys on people and their money. I have always agreed that Scent Lok has great quality of clothing from what I can tell and hear from people. I think they just should have changed their wording in their advertisement years ago. I think a lot of people fell for it. Not everyone is like us on these hunting websites and do all the research we do. Most people just watch a TV show or read a magazine and believe it. Those are the people I hope may get on here and learn the truth. I think it is great if people still buy their products; as long as they know the truth. I think all hunting and non hunting companies need to be a little more honest.

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I purchased Scent-Lok items from Cabelas,based on the scent elimination claims.However I still practice your basic hunting the wind theory but should it come to light that they knowingly misled consumers like myself I will expect to get a refund on the cost of the Items I bought,But I'm not about to sue someone over it.Like the primos guy says on TV no scent elimination product should replace good woodsmanship, I bought it for a little extra insurance. I never bought into the forget the wind just hunt line.

I'm interested to see how this plays out.

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