Scent LoK & Lee Lakowsky


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I noticed quit a few people say they never bought any because they don't believe it works. What if it is proven otherwise and it really does work? Is everyone going to go out and buy it? :rolleyes::D

No, I won't. There is only so far that I will go to purchase superiority over my prey. I know that point is set at different places by different people, but here is an arbitrary line that I probably won't cross when it comes to letting technology do the hunting for me. It's kind of a personal limit, and everyone has a different such line in the sand I suppose. I'm not against all technology used in hunting. I certainly already use enough of it, but in recent years, I have been trying to curtail the effects of science and inventors, and marketeers on my hunting achievements, and rely more and more on my own personal abilities.

I have nothing against those that would use it (whether it works or not), I have just made a personal choice to put a bit more self-reliance into my hunting.


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Everyone knows you can't beat the nose.

I own some "Scent control" clothing but it was purchased because it was a high quality garment not because it had carbon in it. It will be interesting to see the outcome of these suits. If I had to pick a winner I think it will be the defendants.

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I will never pay that much for a hunting suit. I dont care if I could be sitiing on the deers back and it could not smell me. Also the problem with those suits is they are extremely hot to wear, i will just stay with using my moderately priced suits and use my natural homemade cover scents and hunt smart and use wind control.

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Can you say "Torte Reform" ?

With trail lawyer lobbyists bribing our politicians in Washington all the time, without torte reform, this is what you get !

Win - lose - or draw, at least these lawsuits have put the industry on notice that we hunters are not just a gullible group of patsies who will sit back and be lied to and preyed upon by marketeers who will say anything to sell their products.

There is something to be said for truth in advertising, and a method for enforcing it.


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