Sandhill Crane Daddy/baby


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Now that hunting season has come to an end , I thought it's time to start posting some pics again.I've really enjoyed everyones pics that they've been posting.

Yesterday I was working the fields and I had this Sandhill Crane family come in, I wasn't getting the pics that I wanted so I got out....Did you know that the daddy would run into the opposite direction that the mommy and baby would go when I was nearing them. The daddy was a lil protective to say the least,there was one point where I thought I needed to pick up a stick for my protection, lol....but they let me get the pics I wanted for the most part, figured I'd harassed them enough, so I left them alone....





The Family, Mommy is on the right


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Awesome pictures Ma. I really like that first one. It's the first time I've ever seen a male do the broken wing act to get you away from the baby.

COOL !! :)


I'm assuming it was the male...the baby wouldn't leave the side of the one for a second all day so I just figured that one was mommy and the other one was daddy.....he had both wings out, bobbing his head up and down making all kinds of noise, all I know is he wasn't happy I was there.It was really an awesome thing to see.

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Some cool pics there HuntnMa. Those cranes must not be like the herons we have here, the herons are in flight as quick as they spot you.

The herons haul butt, but the cranes seem to not be too bothered, most of the time they just walk off....Thanks y'all for sharing in my pics :)

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