New sight issue


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I upgraded to a Cobra Stealth sight and when I went to sight it in at 10 yards and it was about 18" low and left. The pin was actually behind my cables on my first shot. I got it sighted in good, but it's almost all the way to the left and it is all the way down and I had to adjust all the pins down too.

This just didn't seem right. Did I do something wrong? I've never put a sight on.



By the way I put this sight on before I practiced yesterday, so it is sighted in pretty well. It just doesn't look right to me.

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As long as the dovetails have full purchase on the slides you are okay and it looks that way on the elevation. I can't see the windage slide. You don't want it partially out of the dovetail. These sights are made to accomodate many different bows so they won't fit all perfectly. If you can move the rest to the right and get good arrow flight and clearance you will get the sight centered better for windage. You can move the rest up ( be sure to adjust the nock) to get the sight centered for elevation remembering to check for clearance. But if it shoots well you may just want to leave it alone unless you want an education. You have a long time until the season starts so you may want to play a bit.


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My peep moves up and down probably close to an inch. I always pull it all the way up before a shot because I figure the tube will pull it up anyway, so I may as well be consistent. If I move it down and use that string stuff to hold it down will that move my poi up?

If so, what's that string stuff called and how do I do it?

What about left and right?

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That looks wayyyyyy nock high. Your nock should only be about 1/8" high. Also, your peep should not move at all, ever.

How can I keep my peep from moving? Wouldn't wrapping more of the string stuf up the string keep it in place? Is that some kind of special stuff, or can I just use thread?

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You need to put some "SERVING" above your peep if it is moving up when you draw or shoot, wrap it around the string about a half an inch to three quarters of inch above the sight. You should never have to keep moving your peep back down before every shot. You can even use some waxed dental floss in a pinch, until you can get to a pro shop to have it done right.

FIX your nocking point, it is terribly high. This is why your sight is so low. You bring your arrow point back up by moving the nock end down and your sight will come back up as well.

It's just a few adjustments to do but if you get these done and settled in. Your bow will be shooting fine again and probably much more consistant.

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