Ground blinds and hunter orange


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During gun season do you place orange over your blind or not? Does your state require it?

This is not published in the IL. hunting digest so I asked a state conservation officer and he said it is required on state land. I believe this holds true for federal ground but I'm not sure?

What do you all think about using orange on a ground blind during the gun season when hunting private land where it is not required by law?

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I hunted out of a blind a few times in an area I knew there were other hunters. I hung an orange vest on a branch above my blind.

If I'm on property I know my family and I are the only people with permission, I don't put a vest above the blind.

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No rule that I'm aware of here either but I don't hunt out of commercial ground blinds at all. Like others have said it sure seems like it would be wise to hang some over your blind.

We're required to wear 500 sq. inches of unbroken hunter orange here during any firearm season.

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No requirement for Hunter Orange here in NY.

In West Virginia where I also hunt with ground blinds the hunter must wear 400" and the blinds are not mentioned in the requirement.

It's a double edged sword in my opinion.

It's definitely better for you if you do use it when hunting from a ground blind.

It also lets anyone who's seen where your ground blind is to walk off with it when your not there.

We all know that a ground blind is more effective when it's been in place for awhile letting the deer get used to it being there. Problem is with all the scumbags out there if you put orange near or over anything you want to keep it more than likely wont be there when you get back!

In New York I dont use anything but a piece of plastic blaze orange trail marking tape tied to the top eye bolt of the blind and I never leave the blind there overnight!

In West Virginia I have all the windows open and I'm wearing the required Hunter Orange...and I dont leave the blind out over night unless I plan on hunting from that same spot the following morning.

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It's NOT required here in VT that orange be used at any time, in any season ..

The 2 blinds that I own have 4" orange patches on all sides that can be covered with a camo flap .... and do I use the orange ?? you betcha I do .. ;)

Would that be an intimidator blind?

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Don't think it's law here in Ontario. I'll have to look into that. The only time I've hunted out of a groundblind was once in bow season last year on private property where no one else was hunting. Sure wouldn't be a bad idea if it was on crown land! The hunter orange laws are pretty strict up here for rifle season, 400 square inches minimum!

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