3d question....


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I've just gotte into this stuff since last fall and I'm a little confused on the scoring system. So I'm looking for a little help. I keep seeing people posting about having "x"s along with there score. Is the scoring different for target versus 3d? From the shoots I did the scores were either 11,10,8, 5,0....15 targets...

Just a little help would be nice so I know a little about what I'm talking about. Thanks,


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Your doing IBO Scoring. An x is the 11 ring. You get 11 points for it, and the X count is only used as a tie breaker. For instance I shoot a 200-12X and you shoot a 200-13X you win. The other rings are all universal in 3d pretty much. 10 ring is the second biggest ring, the 8 is the vital outside the 10, and the 5 is foam. 0 is a miss.

Now ASA is a lil different....but I doubt you will be shooting any of those in Indiana so til then I wouldn't sweat them. This help answer your question?

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Sorry for so many questions but I got another one for you...I think I have .29 pins now and it seems that at 40 and 50 yards my pin is covering the entire dot on the target which I don't like, but at the same time I'm not sure how a .19 pin would affect me in a hunting situation. Do you have a different sized pins for your target and your hunting sights?

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