Oh yeah! (pics)

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First set-up of the day. Got out and had the caller going for probably 15 minutes...the crows were flogging us!! Then, I see someting bounding our way, I put up the borrowed .223 and sure enough, a yote. Shane saw me looking through the scope and take off the safety and then he saw the yote and moved....then the yote stopped at 75-125 yards (I know.....pretty big difference grin.gif) and looked to its left....I figured I better shoot while he's just standing there. I squeezed off the shot and he took off running!! Shane shot and he dropped like a rock! I told Shane I was aiming at his chest, and we walked over to him and there was a perfect shot right in the chest. cool.gif Man it was so awesome!! So much fun I can't believe it! I am hooked now.....just need to get my own rifle. smirk.gif We sat 2 more times without any luck, but did see a ton of deer. This is way up north, close to the KS line.....totally different country compared to what I'm used to....no such thing as flat land. grin.gif Anyway....I think I got bit. grin.gif



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