How many people my age (40)


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How many people my age (40) have facebook? My wife does along with a lot of my friends. They are all pestering me to do it and although I think its a bit more mature than myspace... its just kinda.... weird. They have got back in contact with a lot of their high school friends, but to be quite honest.. I ain't gonna like em' any better now than I did 23 years ago.

Maybe I am over the hill, but I have been going back and forth with this for a couple of weeks now with them after me. If I did it, and thats a big IF, I would theme mine to hunting and realtree outdoors for as far as images and crap, but my real true love is :D

So how bout' it..... how many in their late 30's early 40's have it?

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Well Ken I'm 38 and I don't have it. I get more than enough social interaction right here. I don't really think of Facebook, My Space, Camo space, or any other space as immature, only some of the people using them. I wouldn't think any less of someone that used it, I just don't have time for it and I honestly don't want to have time for it.

I see some people on it so much that they loose the ability to relate to people on a face to face basis. I also hear that a lot of people share information online they normally wouldn't.

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well, i am not 40 but i do have a facebook, i do know a few in their forties that have a facebook acct though. at first i thought it was a bit weird but now it is pretty normal. as far as the still not liking the people from high school... well, i understand. i liked to hunt and fish and camp in high school and to most if you did not play football or baseball or basketball something was wrong with you, i kept my small group of friends that i still have, we all played intramural (sp) league sports for our old gradeschools in highschool

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I'll just say this. I used to do something similar but was spending way too much time chatting with the opposite sex. Lots of nice ppl you can meet from all over the world, but what can i say, I'm just so dang charming! haha.....

Seriously, outdoor forums, motorcycle forums, and some mechanical stuff is all I need to be involved with. :)

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Ken, Im 29, and i have a lot of friends that have facebook accounts...HECK, My fiancee does...However, i figure, if i dont talk to you now, and you are from my high school or fraturnity, its apperant, we have lost alot of interest in what made us great friends to begin with...I am still best friends with my best friends from high school (5) and a few from college (1), other than that, i could care less as to what everyone else is doing with there lives..........i just think its a stupid scale to see where everyone panned out in life...and other yap yap BS...

Who Cares, Really? What matters is what you do and your life, right?

If i feel like posting my life's play by play, i will, but i am very happy just being alive and having who i have in my life right now......and being able to check in here, with these people who don't judge...



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soon to be 44 & do have one. My wife & kids also have one. I check it once every week or two. It can be handy, check it some when i am away from home, talk to a few buddies. It has also given me the chance to chat with some people I know that are in Iraq. It can be a fun usefull site. If used wrong , it could be allot of problems also.

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