What are they hitting this time of year?


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For those who fly fish....any specific patterns the trout are hitting?

I'd like to get out today to fly fish at a creek that I haven't fly fished much, but it contains some nice holes with Brown Trout...

So I'm wondering what patterns I should use maybe? Wet or Dry?

Going to be nice, in the 70s today....:)

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around here they are startin to hit yellow pretty goo. Yellow palmers, Jim charleys are real good. Also female adams. I have always done real well with palmer ties and they come in any color. Orange will be a good color before long and when the inch worms come out a light green works well. If ya want get up with me and i can give you some more info by email or on the phone . Remember i'm in NC so it may be different where your at but ive used these flies in Va. and WV and done well with them.

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