Roadside Surprise!

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Here are a few pics of one of the most beautiful wild birds around here in western PA. We were taking a "short cut" from my birthday dinner into town and there he was! Just happened to have my camera with me. I never realized just how red their faces are. Isn't he gorgeous?





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Very nice. I think it's safe to say you can call that one of the most beautiful birds anywhere here in the NE.

I've raised and released hundreds of them over the years here in my part of NY. Sad to say that their populations never flourished as I'd hoped.

Always rewarding though when I do see one of them ditch chickens walking the shoulder of the road or hear stories of someone else who has here localy!:)

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Our neighbor released a few near here and we had one that came to our yard last spring. Every day he would wander around our yard beating his wings and calling. He liked to chase cars. He chased my nieces too. A couple times we even touched him. He attacked my mothers leg a couple of times and wouldn't let her go in the house once. He was pretty though. I'm not sure if he is still alive or not.

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