Thank you NY911Bowhunter


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I would like for everyone to know how great of a guy NY911Bowhunter is. I recently bought a blind from him in the classified section and I ask him if he could hold it for a week while I get the funds. He did of course and I picked it up at the post office today. As promised it is in great condition and hopefully it will provide me and my sons plenty of successful hunts! cool.gif

Thanks again Dan!

BTW can you talk me through trying to fold this thing up, it's kicking my butt. crazy.gif I tried to pay attention when I pulled it out of the case, but boy does that thing open fast! crazy.gif

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Re: Thank you NY911Bowhunter



What no instructions..???? Glad I steered clear of that deal... grin.gifgrin.gif

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There may have been instructions, but in my haste to start playing I may have thrown them out. frown.giffrown.gif

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LOL...Thats happened to me more than once... grin.gifgrin.gif

I'm sure if you go to the Manufactures web site they will have instructions there you can print off..

And you're right NY911 is a great guy.. smile.gif

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Re: Thank you NY911Bowhunter


BTW--you outbid my buddy ohiobucks for that blind, now he'll keep borrowing mine--thanks a lot. grin.gif j/k


BTW can you talk me through trying to fold this thing up, it's kicking my butt. I tried to pay attention when I pulled it out of the case, but boy does that thing open fast!

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grab it by the big hoop, bend it in half, as it starts to buckle on you, roll your hands clockwise and it will fold twice. Just keep your hands moving clockwise until your hands are on the floor. grin.gif

It goes down almost as quick as it pops up.

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Re: Thank you NY911Bowhunter



There may have been instructions, but in my haste to start playing I may have thrown them out.

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It's a man thing grin.gif

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LOL. Yep, the wife used to always ask me after I would start working on something if I read the instructions. Not too often she asks that anymore.

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