Somebody On This Site Needs To Be Stomped.


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If you frequent the Shed Hunting forum you will see a recent post by SuperGuide about some 200"+ sheds that were found recently by a friend in Saskatchewan. After a bit of harrassment he got some pics up on a hpphoto website, but in order to view those photos you must have a user id and password. So he was kind enough to post his user id and password so we could view the photos. Well, some jackass thought they would do him the favor of deleting all of his pictures. COME ON! Whoever did it, did it between 6:15pm and 9:50pm. At 6:15, I took and copied the picture of the sheds and hosted it at Jesses site to make for easier viewing. When Huntin' Sonofagun checked the hp site for the pic it was gone. Somebody needs to be stomped. mad.gif

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Re: Somebody On This Site Needs To Be Stomped.

You have got to be kidding me... mad.gif

Man I swear. There are some real low life's in this world that need to be culled. mad.gif

Why would anybody do such a thing... confused.gif

What happen to trust or when someones word was good as gold....

I guess those days a long gone.

That just ticks me off right there.... mad.gif

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Re: Somebody On This Site Needs To Be Stomped.

I'm just sick here-I guess this old canuck was too naieve but those were the only copies I had of some of those pics as I just scanned them straight to my album-I hope the real hunters who looked enjoyed them as there were some good ones in there. The one that hurts is that one of Ty fishing that was my only copy -I guess I should of just waited and not given into the nagging for a pic.

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Re: Somebody On This Site Needs To Be Stomped.



there has been 8,987,987,098,980 anonymous users on this site...which one you think did it????

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That explains so much. Would not ever give any info such as that on here. Just cannot be too careful.

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Thats why you will never see any pics of my daughter, or any other part of my family on here or any other web site!

This sounds like he gave out the adminastrative password that controls his site. What other way could it have been to gain access to delete those photos!

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Re: Somebody On This Site Needs To Be Stomped.


I'm just sick here-I guess this old canuck was too naieve but those were the only copies I had of some of those pics as I just scanned them straight to my album-I hope the real hunters who looked enjoyed them as there were some good ones in there. The one that hurts is that one of Ty fishing that was my only copy -I guess I should of just waited and not given into the nagging for a pic.

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That's a real shame. You should always store your picture in a folder on your computer first, before putting them on the net. That way you always have a copy for yourself.

Man, I'm ticked....I didn't get to see them either.

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Re: Somebody On This Site Needs To Be Stomped.

That's the same sick mentality that's behind the jerks that create computer viruses. Maybe there's some way to track the computer ID numbers of everybody that logged into superguide's photo album. I sure hope so. In any case I'm sure it's one of the ones J.B. ID'd.

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