NAACP and Nascar


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What a joke!!! If they ban the confederate flag I want flat billed Nike hats, grilled teeth, and bbq stands banned as well. Perhaps we should get an NAACP sprint car and run in that race. I'm sure we can get the car which would be a lincoln on 23's sponsored by the prison systems in this country. I vote we get Rappers T.I. and Al Sharpton to head their pit crew which should all be felons. Gimme a break, I try so hard no to be prejudice towards blacks, yet they have the hate filled NAACP representing them and it is hard not to become bitter. I fly my confederate flag for my heritage. My family all served for the south back in the civil war and I don't give two squirts if it offends some nappy headed gangster. Fly it proud at homestead boys and girls!

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I think every one should fly the confederate flag, to make a point:D.naacp needs to mind there own business.There are all black schools they are o.k. but if there was a all white school it would be racist:mad:.I guess mexicans would not be able to fly there flag because of the Alimo.:eek: Where would it stop! I think the naacp is the racist group.If they want to live in a country that tells the people what to wear.Then maybe they are in the wrong country! :rolleyes: Don,t get me wrong, I am not racist, I just hate ignorant people!

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I'm not afraid to express my opinion on this at all. I know exactly how I feel about it and it's very mild in comparison to the statements I hear from the so-called representatives of the colored people. Yes I said COLORED people. Or NEGROS if you prefer. These terms are perfectly acceptable when it comes to raising money for the National Association for the Advancement of COLORED People or the United NEGRO College Fund. Andrew Wilkow made a very good point when he said that changing the term used to describe a minority is how they create the victim appearance. See, when you change the what you want to be called and don't tell other people then you get to act offended when they call you the wrong slang term you picked out. See, then you become the oppressor of that race through no fault of your own. This deal with NASCAR is another way to become a victim even though NASCAR and it's fans haven't done anything wrong. It's simply a way for the minority to show it can push the majority around. I'm done being nice about all of this victimization from negros, mexicans, fags, anti-hunters and any other "oppressed" person or group. It's coming to a head with who we have in office. He was elected by race and sympathizers of race. He's not a victim since none of his ancestors were ever slaves. One group is to blame for all of this victimization crap that's going on. LIBERALS. They run the country right now and it's only because Conservatives are made to feel like we're doing wrong by sticking to our beliefs. We're told we're racist, bigots, nazis and hypocrites. I say speak up and do as you please around minorities. I take no precautions anymore and I make no exceptions when I want to voice my opinion or have a discussion. We've held our opinion long enough and you all see where it's gotten us. We're still called racist, bigot and nazi. Don't hold your tongue. Hold your gun. It's what this is all boiling down to. Good Vs. Evil. Guess which side I'm on.

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NAACP is a complete joke. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are the biggest racists in the country. I say fly the flags if you want. I could care less. If NASCAR falls into this they are hurting themsleves even more then they already are.

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