Stress test results ..


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Well it seems I may owe another huge THANK-YOU to my friend Steve B. ... :D

It would seem that trip out to Colorado a few years back that helped with my quitting the smoking habit has added a few more years to my life .. ;);)

Yep, the NO stores in the mountains to buy cigs and the high altitude hiking, and great food was just the ticket my lack of healthy living needed to get back on track .. :cool:

Showed up for my mechanical stress test first thing this a.m., and it would seem that kicking the habit and eating good food had a effect on the test in which they had to push me even harder than expected to elevate my heart rate to a maximum rate that they like to see. Man that tread mill will elevate .. :eek::D

The low blood pressure doesn't seem to be a concern as of right now, but they will keep a close eye on it over the next few months .. So I should be good to go for a while longer as far as the ticker is concerned .. :cool::):)

So THANKS to my good friend Steve B. and the rest of the Realtree friends for the prayers and support, they surely helped .. :)

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Great news Luke. How did you like the idea of being told you were radioactive? I just went through that too. Stay away from young children, pregnant women, and bad advise. :D

I'm not one to put everything that happens to me on the forums but I went through a scare earlier this week. I was having chest pains so my best bud convinced me to go to the emergency room. He's an RN and had a heart attack a year and a half ago. They kept me overnight in the hospital while keeping me awake most of the night drawing blood and taking vitals. Long night!

Next day my cardiologist ran a stress test and an ectocardiogram (however you spell it) on me. I sort of surprised them with how they had to push me on the treadmill for my age. Turns out my ticker is fine except for being a little large compared to the norm. Only problem I have is my cholesterol level sucks. High on LDL and low on HDL. I'm on medication for that now.

By the way...I quit smoking again about 2 weeks ago too. My cardiologist wants me to loose weight. That's not going to be easy when combined with my recent drop of the cigarette habit. Baked chicken, fish and fresh vegies cooked with extra virgin olive oil is going to get old. :rolleyes::D

Anyway...I'm heading back to the woods soon to get some extra exercise in. ;)

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Great news Luke. How did you like the idea of being told you were radioactive? I just went through that too. Stay away from young children, pregnant women, and bad advise. :D

I'm not one to put everything that happens to me on the forums but I went through a scare earlier this week. I was having chest pains so my best bud convinced me to go to the emergency room. He's an RN and had a heart attack a year and a half ago. They kept me overnight in the hospital while keeping me awake most of the night drawing blood and taking vitals. Long night!

Next day my cardiologist ran a stress test and an ectocardiogram (however you spell it) on me. I sort of surprised them with how they had to push me on the treadmill for my age. Turns out my ticker is fine except for being a little large compared to the norm. Only problem I have is my cholesterol level sucks. High on LDL and low on HDL. I'm on medication for that now.

By the way...I quit smoking again about 2 weeks ago too. My cardiologist wants me to loose weight. That's not going to be easy when combined with my recent drop of the cigarette habit. Baked chicken, fish and fresh vegies cooked with extra virgin olive oil is going to get old. :rolleyes::D

Anyway...I'm heading back to the woods soon to get some extra exercise in. ;)

Luckily I didn't have to have a chemical test ... Mine was totally a mechanical one .. ;)

I'm super glad to hear your ticker is healthy ,,, your diet is secondary to your quitting the smoking habit, atleast that's what my doctor has told me, chloresterol is hard to regulate in my opinon, good for me I don't have a issue with that, but my wife doe's so I just eat what she eats, and it seems to help her out .. ;)

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I'm super glad to hear your ticker is healthy ,,, your diet is secondary to your quitting the smoking habit, atleast that's what my doctor has told me, chloresterol is hard to regulate in my opinon, good for me I don't have a issue with that, but my wife doe's so I just eat what she eats, and it seems to help her out .. ;)

Thanks Luke...scared the life into me. ;)

I know what you mean about cholorsterol being hard to regulate. I've had that problem before. Runs in the family. I'll admit my eating habits suck at times but getting enough exercise has never been a problem. My cardiologist said he wants me to walk or ride my stationary bike 10 minutes/day. That would be a reduction in the amount of exercise I get. :rolleyes:

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