MadHatter Calls Putt & Purr Pocket Player By Redbeard


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Finally got off my arse and went and tore up some wood with an idear I've had for a long while.

It's a little 2.5 inch slate over cyrstal call. Not sure 'bout everyone else but when it comes a hot afternoon hunt, the last thing I want to tote around is my vest full of calls. On those days, it's a slate call and maybe a box call hooked on my belt in some of those nice slate call holders and box call holsters.

See right thar is the problem.......the belt. See much as I lay 'round on my arse I musta dun went and wore it plumb off cuz when I go to hookin' stuff on my belt......well seems my drawers start slidin' off my arse. That don't work too well trampsin' after three toed turkeebirds.

So I had this idear to make a No-Track Player using only my medallion in a little 2 inch call. Perfect for the t-shirt pocket or even your pants pocket.

This what I came up with for the first one, well the second one. I first tried it in ancient wormy chestnut my father used to build his kitchen cabinets out of way back when. That stuff sure is soft. Pretty much sanded a perfectly pretty call right to dust.

So Cocobolo was my next try and it came out right smart.

Hope ya'll like it. Sounds good for such a small pot.



Thanks for lookin' :)

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2.5" is real small. Pretty call there redbeard.

Wish I could have seen a pic of the look on your face when the 1st attempt turned to dust.

Those warm day hunts is why I opted to change over to no vest hunting along with hauling a Benelli SBE II around rather than my old 11-87. Ol' Tom makes some real nice double slate call pouches with double striker holders. You might want to consider suspenders too. :D

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I wore suspenders (pretty much a necessity wid my belly ) that is up til it got hot ( They close off the vents on my shirt ) :)

Anyhoo, been thinkin' they'd be a perfect little slate call for our young pups. Gonna make another with my "BLACK HILLS GOLD" flying turkey medallion. Grandpa's can tell a tale or two and let the youngun' think they got a "POT O GOLD" :)

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Fine lookin idea to me! I am gonna have to figure out what I need to do about getting another one of those short billed caps to drag around with me on my adventures next year. I think I am gonna start tryin to knock states off for a 49 state slam by age let's say 40. Gonna have to start out west though cause I sure do love those Merriams and Rios.

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That'll be a neat thing to do. My money's on you that you'll do it too. Just wish I could go wid ya. Better hurry on the short bill, ain't got but one left and since they didn't sell like I'd hoped, I doubt I'll be doing more. Ya need to buy one of these pretty little purrin' calls for that fine lady you're datin', then she could purr you to sleep whilst in the blind and get a chance at a gobbler whilst you sleep :)

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