One more day to go (pic)

NS whitetail

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Well, I have no idea where the last 6 months have gone, but tomorow is the last day of our commercial lobster season. We landed 200 traps today, the remaining 200 traps we will bring to shore tomorow. All the rope, traps, ballons etc. have to be overhauled and get ready for the opening day next Nov. 30. As fast as time flies by, a blink of the eye and it will be here.

Overall it has been a pretty good season, it started out last fall with record low prices but things picked up and we have had a great last couple of months. After tomorow morning.......... there will be no alarm clock set for 4 am :D

I think that I will put my used and abused rain gear on Ebay :D, a chance to buy gear worn by a real life Mid-Atlantic lobster fisherman ~ yours truely :D any takers :p

These two nice ones were in one trap today :cool:


me, my Dad ( he loves it and still goes to band lobsters for us and get in the way :D ) and my brother


Edited by NS whitetail
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wow. you get a 6 month break during the summer and fall hunting season.... pretty neat

I used to spend my summers on the ocean longline fishing for haddock and cod. Last summer I decided I didn't want to be gone from my kids that much anymore so I stayed on land...... I baited longline gear for the guys who go ( it pays good ;) ) and did odd carpentry jobs........ decks, doors and shingled a roof :cool: I very much enjoyed being home with my wife and kids every night :) and I will be doing the same this summer ( already have a nice deck to build the second week of June )

and yes............... hunting season is mine :D

Edited by NS whitetail
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