I made beer!


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A while back I finally started my first batch of beer through one of those 'Mr. Beer Kits' that you have probably seen. I was skeptical, but it was fun, easy, and I hoped for the best.


Boiling and adding hops.




And 6 weeks later, I finally had my first pour of West Coast Pale Ale. Turned out great, good carbonation, taste was good and quite different than any of our domestics here.


After a few glasses, the head did dissipate a little, but the taste was still there. Made for a heck of a fun evening. My friends that were over were fans and quickly gave me plenty of grief about being such a 'tight-wad' that I'm too cheap to buy beer! haha, good friends and good times were had by all.


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The beer's or yours??? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Good work. When can I come visit??

I'm so proud right now it'd be the time to do it...it's amazing how quickly friends were dropping in and pulling up a chair! Turned out real fun and now it's the conversation piece. You should hear some of my friends and what they're saying..."Old Alligator Arms Martin is so cheap he's brewing his own beer!" and so on. Sheesh, with friends like these!

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Mmm looks good! :D Congrats on your first home brew, I should try that sometime. :cool:

You really should...it was easy and fun. The whole time I was doing this, all of us were saying we couldn't believe one of us hadn't done it earlier.

I just wish I'd had planned better, as a cookout would have really hit the spot. Those brats would have topped the evening!

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Congratulations on your first batch of home brew. It looks really good. smileycheers.gif

I've been making wine for 5 years now and don't let the guys kid you about your beer. They are probably Coors Light drinkers :rolleyes: You will make better beer than the store bought and you will have extra money in your pocket when you're done.

Keep up the good work! ;)

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I just made my first brew, an IPA extract 5 gallon brew I made with a lot of help from MCH. It turned out okay, but it was a little cloudy and pretty bitter. I don't mind it, but it's not everyone's favorite.

It's a great hobby, can't wait to do a Porter next. Nice job.:cool:

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