How much am I owed?(long)


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On 1/29/05 my car had to go to a local mechanic for a very loud noise. I had had two people look at it before sending it out, and they both thought it was a pulley problem in the timing chain. I told the mechanic this, but he didn't pay attention. I started calling him after he had my car for 5 days but got no answer and my messages weren't returned. I finally got a hold of him on 2/2/05 when he told me my car was fixed. He told me "Sorry it took so long, I didn't think this car had a timing chain." I paid $154 for 3 hours of labor and a new pulley (not bad price at all and this also included a free tow to his garage and he dropped off the car because I wasn't going to be home) I drove the car less then 10 miles when I hear a slapping noise and lost power steering. I popped the hood and the serpentine belt had been chewed up. I called my mechanic and he said "I am busy right now, but I will be down later to check it out." That was last Wednesday and a week later I haven't heard a word from him.

I replaced that belt (with help from a friend), and this belt did the same thing in about the same amount of miles. My dad then looked and saw the serpentine belt pulley at the front of the motor wasn't seated properly. The mechanic used goop instead of the gasket that should have been used and the goop was so thick that the pulley stuck out.

I have paid $50 for both the new belts and another $50 having the belts put back on and the pulley fixed.

Now for the question....How much do you think the original mechanic should pay for? I am thinking that he should pay for at least one of the belts and all of the labor charges since he is the reason the belts went and he still hasn't gotten back to me about the problem.

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Re: How much am I owed?(long)

Good luck getting him to pay you back anything. Sorry to hear you had those troubles, and I hate to say it, but think he probably knew he did not fix it properly. While it would not hurt to request he refund you everything and pay for the belt, it is likely that he will not refund you anything unless it is some sort of major chain.

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Re: How much am I owed?(long)

I say send him a certified letter stating the exact events that occurred with dates. What the problems were, what it took to resolve them, the dates you contacted him etc. Tell him a fair price you should be reimbursed.. If he doesn't respond to the letter within a week, send him another certified letter stating you haven't heard from him on the other letter dated xxx, you had hopes of resolving this amicably but if you don't receive payment in 15 days you'll be forced to take him to small claims court. Keep your receipts and records of everything

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Re: How much am I owed?(long)

Thanks for the advice everyone. I think I will take it up personally with him before I get legal about it. He is just a local mechanic that has started his own business, so it's not a big chain garage. I have pictures of the pulley that was causing the trouble and all the reciepts from new belts and labor so I am crossing my fingers that this goes smoothly. I just wasn't sure it would be fair to ask him to pay for both belts since no one looked to see if it was a pulley problem and just thought it was a faulty belt, but then again, if he had stopped by to look at it like he said he would, none of it would have happened.

Thanks again guys!

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Re: How much am I owed?(long)

It doesn't hurt to ask, but I don't think that I would go to small claims court. By the time you take off from work, get a lawyer (if they are used for small claims) and maybe pay court costs, you are probably still ahead of the game. The sad thing is that your mechanic knows this and probably isn't even thinking that you would bring him to court. Good luck!

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Re: How much am I owed?(long)

yeah, you are going to have a tough time getting any money from him. i dont know if it would be worth taking it to small claims court. you can tell him that you want him to pay for some of the costs, its worth a shot. i think i would stay away from that mechanic from now on. good luck!!

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