@ the lake pics...


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Im putting this in the lounge seeing we didnt catch any fish,lol. Mrs. Sasksheds & I spent some R & R up north In Saskatchewan @ our little place. The fishing was POOR to say the least but we enjoyed the camp critters & relaxation.

My ankle is still to swollen to put a sock or boot on so I had to sit & get spoiled once again by the Mrs. It was cold on the lake so I wrapped it up in a blanket.lol. Hope you enjoy the pics.

This is, "Socks", can you see why we call him that? lol







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Cool pics! Friendly little fox there too! :D That fox reminds me of my little buddy I had the year before last up at my grandma's. He hung around all fall! Everytime the truck would come into the driveway he'd be out to see if we had any grouse, because he knew the guts would be his supper. :D We called him Rocky. :)


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Cool pics! Friendly little fox there too! :D That fox reminds me of my little buddy I had the year before last up at my grandma's. He hung around all fall! Everytime the truck would come into the driveway he'd be out to see if we had any grouse, because he knew the guts would be his supper. :D We called him Rocky. :)


That's primo trapping country that you live in and you never called him "Fur" or "Cash on Four Legs"? :D:D:D Foxes are cool. :cool: Occasionally you'll see them where we go antelope hunting and there are a lot more out there than you realize once you get a trapline going. :cool:

Dakota :)

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