Today was Tim Andrus's day

Guest TennesseeTurkey

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you should have started one for him. With this whole new job and everything and being on the west coast the earliest I could post would be 5 oclcok my time which would be pretty late in the evening for everyone else. Come June 12th when I finally get in my new apartment and settled more I will be able to be on more so until then, could someone on the east coast start the post?

I do want to apologize for being slack on the hotseat. I know I pretty much started it, its just been slightly crazy lately for me as some could imagine.

Anybody want to volunteer to start them?

If not, I will try and start them on Sunday night if I get internet service.

Tim I apologize for not getting one started and not asking for help for someone else to start it. Please forgive me:o

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