Monday's Late HOTSEAT!!!!


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Have you ever done any trapping?

Do you have any advice for those seeking a career in the outdoors industry?

When are you coming here to SD to hunt pheasants with me? :D:D:D

What is your favorite part of being in the outdoors?

What kind of BBQ sauce did you use to marinate that fance post? :D:D:D

Dakota :)

Edited by Dakota
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Habe you ever done any trapping?

Do you have any advice for those seeking a career in the outdoors industry?

When are you coming here to SD to hunt pheasants with me? :D:D:D

What is your favorite part of being in the outdoors?

What kind of BBQ sauce did you use to marinate that fance post? :D:D:D

Dakota :)

yep trapped while in school years

good luck hard school to make it in probably in writing articles, tv is hard trust me

you tell me Dakota would luv too!!!!!

meeting people from all over


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whats the first thing that pops into your mind when hear

popcorn... butter

or phone...ut oh is it Ruth?

or hat....must be cold out

or water..... ??

or paper.....hope its money

what have you done today?.......worked

what do you like to do for fun?......visit here

what part of the day do you like the most?


ever been to Massac county IL ? nope waiting for invite

haha do you know the Preamble?


whats the temp there?

55 degrees

ever got a ticket before if so why?

once for speeding been stopped alot since LOL

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what is your preferred method of hunting on each game that you hunt? ex: treestand for whitetail.....

Do you do any waterfowl hunting?

Ever hunted in the South East?

South America hunting, game of choice you would like to hunt there?

Worst pain you have been in? (not emotionally, physically)

If there was one thing you could teach a kid that was not hunting related what would it be?

Besides hunting, what will you be know for once your time is up?

Favorite boot?

Favorite store non hunting related?

What kind of tires do you have?

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You knew that I knew it was Tate's girlfriend, right? :eek::rolleyes:;):eek:

How far is it from Wilson/Olcott to Oak Orchard?

In your opinion in light of your travels in big buck country are nontypical whitetails more typical than typical whitetails?:D

yea ithought so!!

20 miles or so

nope just my thoughts though

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what is your preferred method of hunting on each game that you hunt? ex: treestand for whitetail.....

Do you do any waterfowl hunting?

Ever hunted in the South East?

South America hunting, game of choice you would like to hunt there?

Worst pain you have been in? (not emotionally, physically)

If there was one thing you could teach a kid that was not hunting related what would it be?

Besides hunting, what will you be know for once your time is up?

Favorite boot?

Favorite store non hunting related?

What kind of tires do you have?

treestand for whitetail , spot and stalk mule deer

not anymore , used to do quite a bit


no desire to hunt there sorry

fell in a inmates cell at work to a chunk of meat outa my back and my siatic nerve went bonkers

being honest

my good looks LOL Really Not sure on that one

Lacrosse / Danner

Is there such a thing, All I know is hunting stores .

Uniroyals, and i dont like them wearing out very fast

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