Im the HOT Seat guy!

Tim Andrus

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If theres one thing in your entire life you could go back and change what would it be? Sorry this might be a lil deep.

oh I dont know ! Maybe my job. After I had it a few years the Rochester Police reached me on the list and I turned it down. Really wanted it but didnt want to start over and work 3-11 shift for a few years . I ha just got put on days when I got the call

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Here's a good one for you Tim, hee hee.

There's a giant tornado headed for have a bomb shelter and can fit yourself and 7 other people....who are you going to let in?

Oh and....are you more of a bow guy or a gun guy?

my family and any neighbors


heck I d use a sling shot if they would let me

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Alright asked for it...:D:D

Who introduced you to hunting?

How old were you?

Whats your favorite game to hunt?

Why is IL your favorite state to hunt? :p

If you could eat one thing, and one thing only, for the rest of your life, what would it be?

What has been your biggest deer to date?

No one just happened I guess


any where they have big whitetails Mt, Wy, Illinois, Iowa ,Kansas

chicken wings

160 inch whitetail 170 inch mulie

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Guest Finn
Yep ,sure do and usually a kiss on the cheek! She's a sweetheart spent time with her and Lee in Nashville this february're my hero tim :p:D

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