Unit 7/ DEC Meeting/Binghamton, NY.


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Folks..it is not good news.

The proposed changes that the DEC wants to make are from deer numbers that they dont even know are correct!

The first question that was asked, and never answered, was when I asked the DEC representative:"When was the last time the Citezens Task Force had met in this area"????He said he thought it was 3-4 years ago. Here is the Unit 7 Deer Manager for the DEC saying "He Thought"???....Not it was XX/XX/XXXX

The question was further put to test when I asked him: "Since it was the numbers that they are going by to manage the deer herd(That they recieve in part given to them by this task force)...how is it that they can say that the numbers are accurate if the Task Forces have not met in years????

He had no answer for what or why they have not met or the FACt that they use Outdated numbers to attempt to manage the deer herd....

Honestly people.....We dont seem to have much of a chance...especially if the majority of people go to these meetings like last night with the narrow objectives I saw there. Most people just wanted the chance to spout off at the DEC and they did.

From the coyote problems in their specific areas to whatever they felt like saying.

As I remember them..Heres the facts that were the most glaring:

The Deer Harvest was down 23% last season shocked.gif

They truely believe that the deer herd numbers are constantly rising. shocked.gif

The muzzleloaders were responsible for only 2% of the harvest. smirk.gif

The DEC is managing the entire states deer herd from numbers that they recieved from the task forces that have not met in years......But they swear are accurate(They have mathmeticians and statisticians we are told that can figure these things out) smirk.gif

I'm sure ADKhunter or Timbo will add more when they get back home, they can give you their account of the meeting, but man I have to tell you........




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Re: Unit 7/ DEC Meeting/Binghamton

From reading some of these posts regarding your situation in New York....everything you guys report the DEC saying is exactly the same crap the PGC was feeding us a few years ago.....right before they jacked up the doe license allocations sky high and put in antler restrictions. It's scary, I mean some of it is word for word what they were telling us. I have a bad feeling that you guys are going to be heading down the exact same road very shortly.

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Guest Squirrelbuster

Re: Unit 7/ DEC Meeting/Binghamton

I was one there that did agree with the Early Muzzleloader season but I would have to say at least 80% were against having the early muzzleloader season where they were thinking of putting it (third saturday of October)

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Re: Unit 7/ DEC Meeting/Binghamton

It's all a bunch of bullcrap if you ask me. Why is there no expansion of the late muzzleloader season. I think were dealing with a bunch of ignorant people. We will have a large number of hunters opposing the new proposition at the New Hartford High School meting on Feb 16. We will ask the same questions you did and repeat concerns so the DEC will know it is a statewide opposition.

One question we will ask, "Have you already started printing the 05-06 hunting brochures?" If they already designed, put in content and sent it to print. We will impose a class action lawsuit. By law, the DEC can not make new hunting rules without first getting public opinion.

We also need to think positive. We will win this fight.--Rossman

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Re: Unit 7/ DEC Meeting/Binghamton, NY.

Who moved this. Bad decision. What was the basis of your decision. If this proposal is passed, it will have a big effect on our "bow hunting season". You should move it back. This has a heck of alot more to do with bowhunting.

The class action lawsuit coment was spurred by an upset bowhunter. Just thinking out loud!!!!!!

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Re: Unit 7/ DEC Meeting/Binghamton, NY.

Yeah, what I can't understand is I heard that, according to DEC, the deer heards are increasing and hunters decreasing, but how come harvest numbers are down? The DEC last season said they gave out less permits because deer herds were reaching the numbers they wanted them to be at but then they say we are over populated? duh, hello, wake-up....nothing makes any sense.If they put an antler restriction in my area, I will be really ticked because it limits out people who hunt deer for stricly meat! The DEC is just trying to be in control of everything....they should quit playing God with the wildlife....

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Re: Unit 7/ DEC Meeting/Binghamton, NY.


The answer to you CTF question is on the following page: http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dfwmr/wildlife/deer/ctftable.html

It is too bad that the DEC rep wasn't too informed on that question. Unfortunately, I'm not certain that all the DEC personel get involved with the CTFs. I'm sure that some of them are at the level where all they do is use the information that is circulated to them rather than getting very involved in the inner workings of that particular activity.

Ok, that's enough excuse-making for that particular individual grin.gif When you get a look at the CTF chart, you will see that many of the WMU CTFs have not met since the early to mid 90's. If you look real close, you might even notice that over here in 8N, we have never even had one convened. It kind of makes you wonder just what kind of commitment they really have to that system. And yet, supposedly, that is the process by which herd density objectives are determined. I must say that I am not real impressed.

Unfortunately, the deeper I get into how the NYS deer management takes place, the more disappointed I become. When you start seeing the number of assumptions and small samplings of data that some of the major management decisions are based on, the credibility of the whole system becomes increasingly suspect.

The statement was made at the Canandaigua meeting that state herd management is not an exact science. I believe that that is a gross understatement.

However, aside from all that, how did the overall tone of the meeting go? In my case, my prime concern for this meeting was the early muzzleloader season proposal. I am happy to report that of the 250+ attendees, I would say that the vast majority of them were archers who were against that part of the proposals. Probably in the 90+% area. In fact one of the speakers asked the audience for a show of hands as to who was against the early muzzleloader season and it was very difficult to find anyone who's hand was not raised. Of the 20 to 30 speakers that got up with comments, the theme of everyone of them basically was that they were against the early muzzleloader season. Oh, except for the the one shotgunner who wanted the regular season to start a couple of weeks earlier. smirk.gif I was wondering when the shotgunners were going to start feeling left out.

From what I have been reading on another (New York) forum, every meeting has been going this way so far. So if an early muzzleloader is established, I really don't want to hear that the hunters asked for it!

I do want to add one word of caution. There is another half of this process that involves letters and e-mails. One of the DEC guys after the meeting mentioned that these were running about 50-50 on the issue of the early muzzleloader season. After seeing the responses at the Canandaigua meeting and hearing about the other meetings across the state, I find that quite hard to believe, but just in case, I would suggest that we all keep the pressure on with written communications to the DEC and legislators. The meetings have been pretty darn encouraging so far, but the work is not done yet. We have until March to flood them with our opinions, so let's not let down just yet.


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Re: Unit 7/ DEC Meeting/Binghamton, NY.

By the way, in the latest issue of New YorkOutdoor News, The following is a direct quote:

"Eric Bratt, president of the New York State Muzzleloaders association, says that his group has no official position on the proposal"

So who is really pushing this early muzzleloader season? The hunters asked for it????? What hunters?


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