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Cute little fella! :):D What did your wife say? :D

No one can deny that face...she melted as soon as I walked in with him. No joke, I talked to her on the way out to the breeder but she didn't know I was heading there. I left my phone in my truck when I got there, and she called back to jokingly say "don't buy a puppy!"

I got the voicemail when I got him in the truck. I started laughing out loud. She just had a feeling...and she knows me really well. She wasn't serious though, but it was funny how she busted me. She was all smiles when she saw the little guy.

He's a great dog. It's day 3, and he's almost completely potty trained. We're also crate training him and the first night in the kennel he was really crying bad. The second night he cried 1/4 that amount and last night I got some decent sleep because he barely made a sound. He only made noise once around 3am because it turned out he needed to go #2...this guy is good.:cool: I lucked out with a good one. He was last to be sold from his litter (partly because he was the biggest boy) but I'm VERY glad 7 people decided to pass on him...seems like it was meant to be.:D

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