Mineral Sites?

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Haven't used that particular product. What we're using we get from our local co-op that's about 22% to 25% salt and the rest minerals, etc. It comes in 50# bags and we refresh ours with one bag each May. We have 19 mineral lick sites refreshed this year scattered around ~2,850 acres.

They all get hit pretty hard during the warmer months of the year but not much at all during the cooler months. They all had signs of heavy usage when I refreshed them last month.

Edited by Rhino
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I appreciate all of the feedback. The 30-06 plus is a Whitetail Institute product that has roughly 17% salt and the rest vitamins and minerals including calcium, iodine, zinc, vitamins A,D,E, and 10 other essential minerals. It also has a 10% protein boost added. I'll keep you all updated on the progress- hopefully with pix in the Fall!

Thanks again!

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