My Web Album!!!


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I posted my web album addy and password so the forum members could view those big sheds-naieve to do I've since learned as some scumbag has went in and deleted all my pictures-I can't fathom how anybody could be so meanspirited-I guess from now on Superguide and Superguide Jr. will keep our hunts and finds to ourselves as obviously there are some screwed up people even on here-There were some pictures on there I don't have copies for-unbelievable-trust me if I could find out who did this it would not be very pretty. I fail to see why pictures of my kids hunting and fishing would prompt someone to do that-I guess I overestimated the honour on this site. OVER AND DEFINATELY OUT!!!!!!!

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Re: My Web Album!!!

You have to remember this! Not only forum members are viewing this web site! There are thousands of people a day visiting this place!!! Handing out a password should have meant only to gain access, NOT TO GET INTO THE WORKING PART OF YOUR WEB SITE!

Sounds like you gave out the adminastrative password that controls your web site!

I am sorry this happened, hopefully you will be able to get things back!


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Re: My Web Album!!!

I guess I overestimated the honour on this site.

Hey first off....Dont even freakin group me in with the Scumbag who did this to you! mad.gif If I was with you when you found the jerk I would hold them for you.

I was at a local meeting to try to have the Game Commision in our area in New York not give away a week of archery season to muzzleloaders.

I do hope you re-consider grouping in those of us who are decent with the Jerk who did this to you.

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Re: My Web Album!!!

Well guys maybe we need to be like other sites where only registered users can view-like I said i'm pretty p.o.ed right now. I guess I just never even thought of someone doing such a thing. I think from now on I'll just rely on a descriptive paragraph to explain my hunts and such. But whatever I learned my lesson -a hard one at that.

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Re: My Web Album!!!


Hey first off....Dont even freakin group me in with the Scumbag who did this to you! mad.gif I was at a local meeting to try to have the Game Commision in our area in New York not give away a week of archery season to muzzleloaders.

[/ QUOTE ]

confused.gif Why so bitter, I didn't see anybody in here ask you where you were or what you were doing last night! confused.gif

Anyway, Guide, I agree with a few others in here. Anybody can view topics in here, ANYBODY. Plus, not to be rude or anything (AND I AGREE THAT YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO TRUST FELLOW HUNTERS WITH YOUR PASSWORD BECAUSE WE ARE MOSTLY ALL HUNTERS HERE) BUT the fact is that this site is most likely visited by Anti's as well. With that said, you/I should not/would not ever put a password in public view for anything. There is a picture posting site right here on Realtree that you could have put your pictures. Again, although I agree with you and you were only being nice and showing pictures to fellow hunters on here, you should of never did that. JMO anyway!

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Re: My Web Album!!!

confused.gifWhy so bitter, I didn't see anybody in here ask you where you were or what you were doing last night! confused.gif

Grouped in with the jerk who did this to a fellow forum member...yes

It makes me just as mad as anyone else here what happened to him. I'm a family man with children and photo's of them that I would not want erased forever..thats for sure.

I also have all those photos saved to disk.

TSBH, Sorry you took it as Bitter....more like a clarification on my part...I dont want to be associated with the jerk who did this in anyway.

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Re: My Web Album!!!

Was just venting in that first post guys you can imagine I was a bit taken aback. I'm not very puter smart -if it don't crap or make tracks I have trouble following it-but I learned my lesson. It's just something so far removed from what I imagine people doing it took me off guard-I didn't even realize it happened till I logged in today.

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