wild boar

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I try to pick them out under about 120 lbs or so. Boars bigger than that can get pretty gamey. Wild hog is excellent! If you see a big boar and look under his tail at what appears to be a soccer ball in a croaker sack, remember when you shoot what you're going to have on the grill!!! :rolleyes:

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AAAHHH the tastey piney woods rooter. Excellent grilled, smoked, fried. Ya get the hint. Anything over 150 process into sasauge. Other then that ya got lots of good eating. The only time I have got gamey taste from wild hog is from a 300 pound plus boar that had been fighting and breeding. If the area where you are going to hunt hogs turns boars into bars (casterated) look for ear notch then all sizes are excellent eating.

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