Let That Be A Lesson To Ya'!


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CENTERBURG, Ohio — District administrators have canceled Saturday's high school graduation ceremony because of a breach into the school's computer system that allowed a student to make copies of a test.

Centerburg Local Schools made the the decision to cancel the ceremony during an emergency board of education meeting on Thursday evening, 10TV's Andy Hirsch reported.

"After several hours of intense and thorough discussion concerning a breach into the school's computer system by a senior student, which resulted in copying some tests for a senior course, the action was deemed necessary," the district said in a statement.

Board members said the incident involved many members of the senior class. Some students participated in cheating, while others had knowledge of the activity but failed to report it, the release said.

The district said qualified students were able to pick up their diplomas at the Board of Education building.

On Friday morning, students wearing caps and gowns gathered outside the high school in protest of the board's decision, Hirsch reported.

"I've looked forward to this day," said Centerburg High School senior Ashley O'Neil. "I'm going off to college. My family is proud of me. I'm the first of my mother's kids to graduate and she's not going to get to watch me graduate."

In their statement, board members said they understood the impact of the decision to cancel graduation, but said it was necessary.

"This is very sad day for all of us and we do commit ourselves to taking all the necessary actions to see that a situation as this never reoccurs."

Parents and students said they planned to hold their own graduation ceremony at Memorial Park on Saturday at 1:30 p.m., Hirsch reported.


This is a small town about 7 miles from me.

What do you think?

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kinda late now, that the action was deemd necessary, they have no clue as to who profited from the copied tests, thats not fair to the hard working students that earned their grades. and maybe next time they will keep better tabs on the comp so that, that situation never happens again.

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Speaking as a teacher. I would have let all the kids walk across the podium and let them have their day. However they would have received a piece of paper instead of a diploma. Once they have proved that they earned it, the diploma would have been given to them later. I can only imagine the amount of money the parents have spent on graduation parties for kids like the girl mentioned. I do not agree with the Boards decision :(.

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What a shame. I feel sorry for the students who came by their marks honestly. It's not fair that all should suffer because of a few bad apples. The students who cheated will pay for it eventually, so why punish them all.

A well put together speech about what happened at the Grad ceremonies would have been much better, and maybe, just maybe make a few heads hang low, while the rest of the students could keep their chins up, enjoy the ceremonies, and move on.

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What a shame. I feel sorry for the students who came by their marks honestly. It's not fair that all should suffer because of a few bad apples. The students who cheated will pay for it eventually, so why punish them all.

A well put together speech about what happened at the Grad ceremonies would have been much better, and maybe, just maybe make a few heads hang low, while the rest of the students could keep their chins up, enjoy the ceremonies, and move on.

Agreed....I know if they had canceled the graduation ceremonies for my Daughter I recently attended in Florida it would have been devastating to her. She earned every bit of that stage! She earned and got to walk acrossed the stage at the USF Sundome! The look of satisfaction on her face says it was worth it all:cool:


To have kept that from the deserving ones at this school mentioned(Centerburg High School) should be considered equal to a crime!

Edited by GWSmith
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Yeah, it's kind of like taking guns away from everyone, because a few decide to commit crimes with them, or closing hunting altogether because of poaching. :(:(

It's a liberal response to a problem, that fixes nothing, and hurts everyone accept those who perpetrated the act.

Edited by buckee
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What a shame. I feel sorry for the students who came by their marks honestly. It's not fair that all should suffer because of a few bad apples. The students who cheated will pay for it eventually, so why punish them all.

A well put together speech about what happened at the Grad ceremonies would have been much better, and maybe, just maybe make a few heads hang low, while the rest of the students could keep their chins up, enjoy the ceremonies, and move on.

Totally agree with you there Buckee. And also, I never cheated either!!!

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From a teaching standpoint, I think the board made the wrong decision. The ceremony isn't about an incident, it's the culmination of 4 years of work. I'll agree with Tim in that some, probably a majority, of students cheat in high school, but in my mind, there's a fine line between cheating and collaboration. That's another subject for another thread.

To cheat the honest kids out of their day was wrong though, IMHO.

The news is reporting that the community has rallied behind the class and they are going to hold their own graduation ceremony at a local park today. They certainly have the weather, it's beautiful today. This community is very small, and very tight knit, so I'm betting it will be a good day in the end. But I sure hope the punk who hacked into the computer learns a lesson. Deep down, I hope he/she knows what he/she did was wrong and will live to regret it.

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Bet some administrators lose their job over that one!

They just lost money from that group of alumni and their parents!

It wasn't the administrators that made the move, it was the community elected board. And, you're right, I'll bet some of those board members won't win re-election.

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Thats got to stink for all those kids,they should have at least let them walk across and get a peice of paper as said befor,even if it was blank.They could have done a much more in depth investigation at a later time,no need to punish everyone at such a big moment in there life.They could always start with the computer geeks and narrow it down from there.

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WOW :eek:... I must have come from a different high school. I never cheated.

hmm, everyone cheats on tests in high school. That's what high school is all about... Now whoever breached the computer system took it a little further than the typical methods, but still, no reason to cancel graduation. Thats just stupid in my opinion.

i didn't even realize school was invented when you were growing up... haha jk steve.

Yeah I know not literally everybody does, but I doubt theres too many graduates who can honestly say they have never cheated in any way on a test in highschool. Even the students who had a copy of the test would still have had to study the questions and memorize the answers. Yeah it's still cheating, but it's not like they just had the answers written down in order on a sheet of paper in front of them. (I have seen that done as well)

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