My little girl is growing up....


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and she just graduated high school this evening.

Funny thing is that everyone's congratulating us as parents and my reply is yeah, now we can go deeper in debt, even with scholarhips private college is expensive.:o



One of my favorite pics I took of her over the Christmas holidays last year.


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She is undecided at the moment. Two totally different areas............ fashion design and a pediatrition, a child doctor.

Forgot to mention, she has 3 days until she leaves for the Ukraine on a mission trip. She'll be there for a few weeks working in an orphanage helping the children there get to know God's love for them. Then's it back here for a few days and then off to college.

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congrats to you and your daughter. i graduated on may 23rd. It sucks already though. I realized about a month before graduation how much I wanted to just stay in high school. I started workin more (I put in 50 hours in the past 6 days) while also trying to hang out with my friends that all seem to be moving away in the next couple months. 3 guys that I've been friends with for years are leaving for the Marines tomorrow morning. I'm not at all looking forward to paying thousands of dollars to take more classes, which will probably be harder than high school. Sorry to be a negative nancy, but I kinda wish I wouldn't have graduated yet. lol. I am takin the cheap way out for college as of now though. I'll be living at home and going to a public school (university of southern indiana) thats just a couple miles down the road.

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