7th Posted December 22, 2008 Report Share Posted December 22, 2008 Crazyleqz, Doing my job, I guarantee your right to say what you would but I have to ask you this: where do you get this 90% from? I work with the troops all the time that have been (been again and again), going over or coming home and it is a resounding 99%+(even though I have only talked with 2 people that said we was doing the wrong thing there) in support of what we are doing there? If the war was going so bad, why would units that are getting ready to go back is turning people away from going with them? I know of a unit that turned away more volunteers to go with them, and then they actually took with them? (This was not a small unit either) I have friends that are amputee’s that are looking for ways of going back to “do their duty!” Having been there and working with the Iraqi people, they do want us there, they want what we have: Freedom. Cutting our losses as you put it is snatching defeat from the mouth of Victory. Disgracing the sacrifices that every trooper has given for serving in Iraq, belittling the sacrifices the family has give: the night’s mothers have rocked little ones to sleep, the cold nights with an empty bed, fear with every passing day that this may be the one and everything else they have to endear. Sorry, I will get off my soap box but I would like to know how you know more troopers that were there then most and also talk with some of this 90% you talked about. I have lost a lot of friends there and I am ready to go back as soon as they ask me. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
turningcustomcalls Posted December 31, 2008 Report Share Posted December 31, 2008 First and foremost let me say that I greatly appreciate our armed forces who put there lives on the line everyday for my freedom and the privilages I enjoy, like sitting in my home piddling around on the computer. Second, I must also say that I have supported President Bush through out his entire presidenticy. While I have certianly disagreed with him on some issues and his handling of issues, I feel he was/is the man for our nation the past 8 years. I will hate to see him leave office. Third, I would like to offer my two cents about the war on terror especially in Iraq and Afganistan. I feel we are doing the right thing in invading those countries and rooting out terrorist and insurgants. The fact that Saddam Huessin is dead, is worth our efforts overseas, not to mention the countless other terrorist leaders who have been killed or captured. While I see the good in the work our troops are doing, I feel that the leadership, including The President, is looking at this war from the wrong prespective. The goal is to provide freedom and democracy to the Iraqis, and I feel freedom is a unrealistic goal. Iraq and Afghanistian are muslim countries and Islam does not promote equality and freedom. Islam works by fear and supression. America was founded on the Biblical principal that All people are created by God and deserve certain rights and privilages. Therefore freedom and democracy is a realistic goal for Americans, but not Islamic countries. If we were to successfully kill or capture every terrorist in the Middle East, it would only be a matter of time before a new generation of terrorist would come along, following there theology and trying to please Allah. Our troops could literally be there forever. There is no end to Islamic extremist. It is my understanding that devout Muslim's are to destroy the infidel's. An infidel is anyone who poses a threat to Islam. The terrorist are fighting us, not becaues they hate American's but because they are devote Muslim's who believe they are doing Alah's will. Islam also teaches that the only way for a Muslim to know for sure they will enter paradise is to die fighting the enemy's of Islam. That explains the suicide bombers. They blow themselves up with the hope of heaven. That is why the hijackers took control of the planes on 9-11. It was there theology that motivated them to cause the destruction and chaos that day. What I am trying to say is we cannot measure our progress by the democracy of a Islamic country. Our goal should be to keep terroist off US soil and keep them from doing more harm. Up to this point, we have done that. We need to have people who understand the Muslim theology offer guidence to our military leaders. This war is not about freedom, because muslim's do not operate on principles of freedom. This war is about theology and trying to keep America safe. God Bless the United States of America! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bowhuntnsmycrack Posted January 18, 2009 Report Share Posted January 18, 2009 i really like this post. i have supported the war in iraq since it started. people say its for oil,people say its because bush wants to finish what his father didnt, but you know i knew from the very beginning it was to save our neighbor. theres a country song that says in it they hit and he just turned his cheek dont think for a minute he was weak well ya know that just tells me that man has never had to fight for anything. as for the guy with the mexican kid on the bus hitting his son, if the bus driver said anything to him it would have been racial profiling and then there would be a big lawsuit so thats why your son got introuble because now a days immigrants cant because its considered racial. very touching and ya know what sometimes people need a good ol fasion passionate tail whippn to show who's boss and that were not gonna take it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
clrj3514 Posted January 19, 2009 Report Share Posted January 19, 2009 that was absolutely amazing. great post Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Canoekiller1 Posted February 14, 2009 Report Share Posted February 14, 2009 Whether it is why we originally wento or not, its a great point and it is right, and of course no one did that to their kid but i guess u just dont get it Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dawgitall Posted September 23, 2009 Report Share Posted September 23, 2009 Wow! I feel blessed to have read that. I am a better person because that was shared with me. I will carve out time specifically for my daughter and I to read it together. Thank you and God Bless. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sweatty09 Posted December 16, 2009 Report Share Posted December 16, 2009 Why We Are At War you don't like choice? Today I was hanging out with friends and their kids. Two of the women are pregnant, and I was thinking how absolutely incredible it is that a human being is growing inside these women - and how so utterly improbable it is that it is that life is some miraculous concoction of chemicals. We are so much more than a repository of chemicals; we have feelings and emotions, we have a soul - we are much more than just a cauldron of chemicals. I've said it before, life is simply too awesome to be prescribed to some 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 meteor that just so happened to deposit JUST the right amount of goo necessary to make humans, turtles, flowers, water, trees, bees, horses, whales, dinosaurs, apples, rain and everything else this world contains. And just think how small we are in relation to the universe. And, if some meteor did do this, why has it not happened again and again? Same thing for this Mercury theory. Don't believe there is a God? Head on down to the local maternity ward and witness the wonder that is newborn life. Me, I'd rather believe that something much, much, much smarter and wiser than all human beings that have ever existed is in charge of the universe. How utterly improbable that we are the smartest thing in the universe - which we would, to many atheists be. Evolution? Prove it. Creation - go to the maternity ward. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swamphunter Posted January 4, 2012 Report Share Posted January 4, 2012 Wow, two bannings in one thread and I missed them both! Lol... If memory serves me correctly, we banned a "crazylegs" a few years ago too..... I could be wrong Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dawg Posted April 6, 2012 Report Share Posted April 6, 2012 Looks like you missed them by a few years Swampy, LOL! I'd like to see what those folks think about all of this now, 11 years later. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FireStation46 Posted August 27, 2013 Report Share Posted August 27, 2013 Get ready for our next new war. Syria. God bless our troops. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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