What type of broadhead do you use?


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First year to hunt with a compound and I had some folks on archerytalk suggest the American broad head sonic 100gr. It's a 7/8" cut on contact 3 blade. I've shot it a few times and as long as they were screwed together tightly they actually seemed to shoot better than my field points. I didn't need to change my sight or anything. They seem to be a very sturdy little head. Hopefully I'll get a chance to see what kind of blood trail they leave. Reviews look good.

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I bought some cabela's lazer strike supremes a few years back, but couldn't shoot them b/c my bow was too out of tune. Now I have a perfect set up and I love the broadheads. Used same broadhead last year on a nice buck and a doe with clean pass throughs on both. Great thing about the broadheads is they are around $20 for 6. I am buying more this summer. Check them out on Cabela's website, they are a good value and hold up real well.

Edited by tbone7213
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I shoot Slick Trick Magnum 100gr and I get a pass through everytime. From Groundhogs to 200 pound deer. I plowed a Slick Trick through a button buck and a doe last year through both shoulder blades at 30 yards and it performed fine. I've gotten pass throughs with Muzzy 3 blade 75gr and 100gr with no problem as well. The 75gr Muzzy's were shot out of a 40lb bow too. Pass through every time. Did you ever think it might've been your shot placement?

I also use the slick trick 100 gr and have had similar successes as Squirrelhunter. They are awesome broadheads!!

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Anyone ever try the Crimson Talons? I love the look and shape of them, that's what I'll be trying out of my new bow and if they shoot good I'm using them! :cool:


i bought muzzy MX-4s last year but my girlfriend bought some crimson talons. they were 125 grains and she only shot 40lbs so I gave her the muzzys and used the talons. Shot one deer. Had about 2 inches of penetration and a weak blood trail for over a mile. No deer......

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Anyone ever try the Crimson Talons? I love the look and shape of them, that's what I'll be trying out of my new bow and if they shoot good I'm using them! :cool:


I had a hunting partner use them. He said the vitals looked like they were put in a blender when he recovered the deer. Personally, I don't trust anything that relies on a rubber band to function.

I use the Rage 2 but can attest to the effectiveness of Muzzy MX-4's. Pass Through City, USA. :)

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